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Scott Pilgrim

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Status Updates posted by Scott Pilgrim

  1. And what is this power this is exactly?

  2. Are you allowed to post that word on the forum?

  3. Are you waiting for me to move again?

  4. Artemis, it has come to my attention that you are assisting that guy there. You are now officially kicked out the rebellion.

  5. Attention all HARP members, check out the banner prototype in our MAJ folder.

  6. Attention all HARP members, check out the banner prototype in our MAJ folder.

  7. Attention all HARP members, check out the banner prototype in our MAJ folder.

  8. Attention all HARP members, check out the banner prototype in our MAJ folder.

  9. Attention all HARP members, check out the banner prototype in our MAJ folder.

  10. Attention all HARP members, check out the banner prototype in our MAJ folder.

  11. Attention all HARP members, check out the banner prototype in our MAJ folder.

  12. Attention all, due to the fact that myarm is now in a sling, there won't be any comics from me for a bit.

  13. Back to the future!

  14. Be back later.

    -Blademan out B)

  15. Be queit in there, I'm trying to play SBCG4AP!

  16. Blademan is not here for the moment, he will be back later to answer your call. So leave a message after the beep...BEEP...what? It's still reco(beep)

  17. Blademan is perfectly fine. He has not been attacked by the Tails Doll who you should all fear. I should know, I am Blademan.

  18. Blademan procrastinating on his current project 100%

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