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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Turns out that, no matter how she tries, Galaxy is no match for simply typing out BBCode!
  2. Sounds like an epic fail. -Gata That was a terrible joke.You just wish you'd thought of it first!
  3. That's cool! It definitely catches the feel of one of them turrets...you just need to make it fall over humorously!
  4. Just SwiftKey (which I absolutely love, thanks for recommending it!)
  5. Oh goodness, I busted out laughing! That's actually really funny, good work! He looks like a robotic office worker who wore his gas mask to work, and that is just really funny to me for some reason
  6. My phone, incredible though she is, is so woefully inadequate for this website. She can't keep up with my typing, and the load times are painful. My poor phone is put through a ringer, and I feel bad for her. But will I stop? Of course not! But I came here to post an image about rockin' a wolf on your noggin, but Galaxy isn't loading all the fancy BBCode stuff
  7. Oops, I guess I should have been more clear. I thought you meant you would edit it into your original first post, and I meant to make it a reply to your prologue, not a whole new thread.Regardless, thus certainly doesn't waste time! Right away we see some action! There were a couple things you might wanna keep in mind, namely that something like that would be pretty clear in one's memory, so you wouldn't have him saying "I guess". Remember, even if it's from the first person, narration shouldn't read like the character talks, unless that's what you're going for. One other thing is the description of the eyes. You say "which, as I said...", but that kind of interrupted the flow for me. You had already said the color if the eyes, so once you pointed out that the eyes glowed, but the pupils didn't, that's exactly as much info as the reader needs. So what I'd do is copy the story and post it as a reply to your prologue (it might combine the posts), and report the Chapter 1 topic so the mods know to delete it. I look forward to more!
  8. I like this! Definitely has the Samus look while still looking quite original! Personally, I think a Hero Core might mess with the feel of the set. They work beautifully on the legs, but one on the chest would disturb the flow of the figure, I think.
  9. Wow, that's ingenious! Definitely works well on its own, but have youcconsidered using it as the base for something bigger? That would be epic, to see a giant, like, mech or something using a modified version of this as a whip or something!
  10. Whoa! Dude, this may just be the most significant discovery since...uh...I swear I had something...regardless, this is awesome!
  11. "Send that beast to the pit from whence it came!"
  12. Happy Birthday BZP! I totally forgot to get you something But I'm here, isn't that enough for you!?
  13. A little? Try a lot! TPBM totally wishes they were going to BrickFair this weekend!
  14. Gotta say, I've always loved Lhikan's Hau. Ever since I bought a Bionicle book set that was supposed to have an infected Hau Nuva, but instead had a normal Lhikan's Hau, I've been oddly attached to it
  15. I've been around for a while, trust me, I made far, far, far more noobish mistakes than you will in two lifetimes. I've had to learn from plenty of mistakes, and I enjoy letting other people learn the lesson from me rather than learning it themselves :PHey, it's your story! Make the updates as long or short as they need to be!
  16. 3/5Definitely seen you around!
  17. It might be better to make each chapter a new post, that way people can see "Oh look, there it is! Gotta hurry up and read it!" you know what I'm saying?
  18. Congrats you two! I foresee this marriage going quite well! Unless of course you meld your powers and try to take over BZP, that wouldn't be quite as cool!Nah, but seriously, good work, guys! Enjoy your BrickFair honeymoon!
  19. Hey, good beginning! I'm intrigued by this man whose mouth seems quote conductive to hornets! I'll be keeping an eye on it! By the way, don't forget to put a link to this topic on the first post of your story
  20. I keep seeing people being excited. And I have to keep telling myself "next year"
  21. Hey, I posted part 2, but it combined the two, so when part 3 comes, hopefully it'll let me post it as a reply! But yeah, check out part 2!
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