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Everything posted by Ichthys

  1. Ouch. What a way to start the day.
  2. Ichthys

    Possible Name

    Argetlam is from Eragon, right?
  3. Well, hey, hope you get the Blog of the Week Award too.
  4. The Aliens would try to elminate the human species with their superior technology, but would eventually be defeated when they catch the common cold. By the way...Shouldn't your heading read, 'Not with a bang, but a whisper'? I'm not too sure...
  5. ... This seems veeeeerry familiar sayeth I.
  6. Holy mocing goodness, that is freakin' awesome in some weird way. Wow.
  7. Macku's suggestion, or A Squid in a Cordak Blaster.
  8. What he said. The hamburgers look so much better in the commercials...
  9. Ichthys

    The Orange Fades

    That's pretty good. Sounds professional.
  10. Yeah...I just recently started to read Harry Potter, and then I saw the news...about...Urgh... Chocolate Fikou and Fusion are pretty good names if you ask me. Go ahead. But I kinda' like Chocolate Fikou slightly better, as it still kind of pertains to your first username. I mean, ChocolateFrogs; y'know, the animal part? Not the Harry Potter part. I didn't even know it was a refrence to that.
  11. 'Fixed'?...Sounds scary...

    And you talk to yourself?! Ha ha, I never talk to myself!!...Oh, heeey, Myself! How ya' doin?

  12. Oooohhh...I think I know which AI it is. Very clever. It's an AI's name mixed up, right?
  13. Aaaaahh, I see. You mispelled it on purpose, so that no one could find it by doing an internet search? Or did you do it just for stylish purposes? EDIT: AHA!! Is this the AI that you refer to? 'Araquiel'? Colonel James Ackerson's AI?
  14. C'mon...Give up the secret!! And your Blog Approval!! (hey, it can't hurt to ask, can it?) Is it an AI mentioned in one of the books? I remember there was a bunch in the books. Or is it some vague term in the Marathon series? Give me a hint!
  15. Ouch. You have my pity. But, wow, they deleted a pic of yourself for Copyright Infringement? What a bunch of ding-dongs.
  16. 'Aqua Axes'? No, no, he needs something more along the lines of a rocket launcher, or a mini nuclear warhead. You can't take chances with cats. It's said they have nine lives, y'know. The only good cat, is a vaporized cat!!

  17. Oh, the good ol' Yuuzon Whats-there-faces! (I can't spell their name worth a lick, but I know who they are) Wow. That'll be freakin' scary. Good costume choice!
  18. I'm not sure what the second program is, but you use Power Point to do some of that stuff?
  19. Those are the awesome. What's that program you use again?
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