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Status Updates posted by Mel

  1. I thought I was hallucinating for a moment.

  2. Bread.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EmperorWhenua


      I know, the timestamp didn't escape my notice, but I needed to say something so that you'd know both that I bake and baked way too much last month.


      I did. They were delicious. I'd say they were my grandmother's old recipe she was handed down from the previous generations in Germany with lots judgmental affection... but no, it was from Allrescipes. Still delicious, though.

    3. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      I like fresh tortillas.

    4. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      I like Babka, Focaccia, and Ciabatta. (Tortilla too, yes.)

  3. I've just realized my name, location, title, and status are all in conjunction with each other.

  4. Nice profile pick. :3

  5. I think I've forgotten how satisfying Piraka Attack was...

    1. They


      That and Matoran Escape. Actually most of the games from that year were really gratifying. XD

    2. Mel


      When your angry, nothing like killing little Velikas. XP

    3. Underscore


      It's a good stress reliever, if you ask me.

  6. Hi. Sorry to bother you at a time like this. I didn't really have enough confidence in my knowledge of the game to play a ICNPC, so I sent a guard NPC to contact you in the Ta-Koro topic. Thanks, Yukiko

    1. Krayzikk


      It's not a bother at all; kinda in the job description of playing one of the Akiri. =P I'll have a post up tonight or tomorrow, depending on how long I'm awake.

  7. Let me just say that I highly approve of you sig and avvy.

  8. Mel

    Are SSCC charity assignments due today? Or are we holding them out till next week because of the wonky server?

    1. Velox


      Yeah, today if you can since they were assigned on the 6th, but if you need an extra day or two that's fine. =]

    2. Mel


      I have work early tomorrow, so I should sleep. But I'll get it in as soon as possible.

  9. Hey, just wondering where you got that lovely avi of yours. :)

    1. Jedi Gali

      Jedi Gali

      I'm so sorry I haven't responded! I've been...er, inactive? And honestly, I don't remember in the slightest. I probably looked up pictures of Elizabeth Swann..

  10. Might be not lazy and actually write this summer.

  11. Might be not lazy and actually write this summer.

  12. in the the snow. 雪がふる :3

  13. I hate colds.

  14. today's my time to shine :D

  15. today's my time to shine :D

  16. I´m in Ecuador so all stories are on hold until late June. I have quite a few ideas though.

  17. Haha...my reaction upon seeing your banner was exactly the same as turakii's ^_^

  18. Welcome to the BZPRPG!

  19. No, it's actually from the seventh or so cover of Vampire Knight. (I wish I made it, though. :P)

  20. Thanks, if you ever need a review, just shoot me a PM. ;)

  21. Yeah, I saw that. Thank a lot! ^_^

  22. YES. And I am in the library right now, where I am going to check one out.

  23. Mel

    I'm Jewish, but thanks. Merry Christmas!

  24. Pretty boys are much better. :3

  25. No. =P

    I don't like hunks anyway.

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