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Everything posted by VeoiTheRascal

  1. Double Trouble -- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban soundtrack...hehehehehhe
  2. Is the term armor also including the internal mechanical components as well? @heartlight: I don't think organic protodermis would weigh 250lbs in a toa. They only have 15% organic mass after all.
  3. Psionics. Messing up a mind is just so delightful. Plus there is the telekinesis ability at my disposal. I wonder why there hasn't been much cannon appearances of that particular sub power.
  4. Crazy, by Gnarls Barkley"And when you're out there with out a careYeah, I was out of touchBut it wasn't because I didn't know enoughI just knew too much "
  5. "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?" Dream= figment of imagination = fantasy
  6. Prosthetic LimbsEdward Elric= has metal limbs for an arm and a leg
  7. On the contrary! TPBM likes the BBC TV show Sherlock.
  8. "Fade Together" by Franz FerdinandSolaris = adjusting an image's darkness via over exposure to light (photography)= Fading picture
  9. Magician thingy with big. glowing. YELLOW. EYES. in blue, infront of a purply background.
  10. AS some one said above, I have a word doc. dedicated to my bionicle names. Often times, I'll be playing around with sounds until I mumble something decent. Other times the names will tumble out of my head unprompted and need to be put down. Occasionally I'll be quite taken with a name's rhythm, such as Ananssi, which my mimicking attempts will produce Zusenti.--VeOi ThE rAsCaL
  11. As far as I go with Romance, as long as it's written well and fits with the story without hampering it, I will enjoy it tremendously.If it is none of the above, then no.--VeOi ThE rAsCaL
  12. I know. At first I thought Glatorian were forced gladiator battles in the MU under Teridax's martial law, judging from the early promo with the huge dark grey Vahki leg part.. Then the story failed epicly.It's not that it failed, just didn't have the spark of the previous world. And the sets put me off as well.Deltus: could be! I was just racking my brain to put a opinion of mine that I hadn't seen being agreed to in a while. It probably doesn't help that I'm not the most active member on this site. [~_~;]
  13. This opinion could possibly be unpopular:I disliked that the Bionicle story line moved on to a completely different world and set of characters. Granted, I understand that Bionicle was becoming exceedingly complex for newbies of the target audience to make sense of and needed to have a 'beginning' for new audiences to sink their teeth into. That being said, when I saw the Mata-Nui robot rising from the ocean and realizing who was actually in control of that body I was pumped. I was thinking, OHHhhhh... what are the Toa going. to. DO? Or anyone in the Matoran Universe for that matter! I was so excited for the story potential for the characters WITHIN the Mata-nui robot that I was completely thrown and not a little disappointed when the story vered off to an entirely different WORLD. There was the online serials to give you some story from the MU but just wasn't enough for me. (T^T) --VeOi ThE rAsCaL
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