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Element Lord of Milk

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Blog Comments posted by Element Lord of Milk

  1. u traitor to lego bricks mega blocks r stupid and a ripoff would should be hanged from the highest yardarm you should be insulted all your life because you like mega blokes


    Naw, just kidding. Congrats on getting that stuff back - Hope you enjoy it! :)

    Update: He changed his mind, there was a bit of a blow-up, but we settled it.


    But, I'm not willing to give up quite yet, so does anyone have any ideas?




  2. I think the pokewalker is better than Dream World.


    Cause I'm not really interested in the DW(Possibly because I got lots of DW Pokemon from the recent distro)mainly because I've already got access to(Almost)all the Pokemon in the Pokedex(I've got 464 in my SS, and I've gotten a bunch more pre-gen V Pokemon in White). But anyway, I'm beginning to babble, so I'll just finish by saying "But that's just me" .




  3. @DV: Alright, so yeah, it was rude of his friend to automatically assume he'd do it for free. You're right.


    But that doesn't change the fact that it's equally rude for him to act like he HAS to be paid to help his friend. This isn't his career, he doesn't do it for a living. He's 15, I doubt he really even NEEDS money - he's not really losing much by doing it for free, so it comes off as selfish for him to act like it's a horrible thing that he isn't being paid to help somebody.

    I didn't really see him acting like he HAS to get paid or he won't do it. Besides, what's wrong with him wanting money for his work? even if he doesn't ABSOLUTELY need it for essentias, is it such a bad thing for him to have extra money? To spend on hobbies and things?




  4. Swert, you OFFICIALLY officially win the "Most awesome person in the history of EVER" award, seriously, this is. . . . . . .this is. . . . . . .There are no words to describe the awesomeness of this entry, in ANY language. Coupled with the entry before this one, you break the awesomeness gauge, scratch that, you practically NUKE the awesomeness gauge, it no longer exists.




  5. What version of Arkham Asylum was it? I don't know about the PC version, but the console versions were pretty great imo.
    It was the Game of the year version, My sister got it off Steam.


    @Tilius: I was right there watching her Play, Granted, the controls might have worked okay for me, at least, but the Camera was definitely messed up, and the combat seemed slow, as did Batman.




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