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Everything posted by FFBuu

  1. The rules are simple: You post something, and I edit it to make it completely random and obscure. Good Luck. -FFBuu
  2. Yep, glad to share what I found. It stinks we still have 1+ months to wait though. -FFBuu
  3. FFBuu

    My Very First Blog

    Welcome aboard. -FFBuu
  4. FFBuu


    Think about how much names affect us here on BZP. GregF's blog has the most views out of everyone, simply because his name carries him. Some funny spammy people(coughExocough ) get massive amounts of comments on fairly pointless subjects. This kinda angers me. -FFBuu
  5. I hate when dishwashers fall on my head... -FFBuu
  6. My name looks so awesome in bold. -FFBuu
  7. FFBuu

    Rebuilding Everything!

    I have a feeling you are going to get a lot of PMs now. --
  8. FFBuu

    Almost Time

    OMG, Psychonauts is the best game ever. Hilarious, challenging to collect stuff, actiony and a good plot. -FFBuu
  9. First off, is you want some RPG action, check out the Avatar RPG Run by yours truly. I have gotten what, like 5 PM's all asking me for the air date of Season 3 of the best TV show ever, Avatar the Last Airbender. My final answer is: I do not know. I can only guess. My best guess is soon, early June-early July But this is the info I have collected: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «General Information: * The season is likely to start in the fall of 2007 * Episode 3.05 (title below) will be a "different" episode in the realm of "Zuko Alone" and "Appa's Lost Days" * Episode 3.08 will be a darker and scarier episode * A two-part episode, containing episodes 3.10 and 3.11, will be the first "TV movie" of the season * Everyone will have new hair styles this season Plot Details: * Zuko will be looking for his mother * Ty Lee and Mai will be developed more * We will get to see what life in the Fire Nation is like, and apparently everything there is propaganda from the Fire Lord * The characters Bumi and Koh , the face stealer, have been mentioned by the writers as characters who we may see again * More will be revealed about Avatar Roku * A new multi-episode villain will be introduced this season * Season 3 will end with an "epic battle" Season 3 Episode Titles: * 3.01: The Awakening * 3.02: The Headband * 3.03: The Painted Lady * 3.04: Sokka's Master * 3.05: The Beach * 3.06: ???? * 3.07. The Runaway Discuss away. -FFBuu
  10. FFBuu

    Lolz, Hacks

    So I was playing BF2142 and I find this: Clickith So I was like 'OMG, HAXOR!1!!!' and I reported him to EA. He got his stats reset back to zero. ---- In other news, I added a gangsta' Video Gallery. Watch them, then you could maybe PM me about it, especially if you are an Avatar Fan. Who says you can't post multiple entries in one day? -FFBuu
  11. FFBuu

    I've Gone Premier

    Omi kinda scares me -FFBuu
  12. FFBuu


    Although technically an oxymoron, civil war makes sense. A war, that takes place inside one's own country, is a civil war. -FFBuu
  13. FFBuu

    I've Gone Premier

    Thanks Gman. Yep, that's me. See you around. -FFBuu
  14. FFBuu

    No Sleep

    That feeling is torment. It is so strange, so restless. BTW, I got a blog now, and I advertised your blog. You could be nice and link to mine. -FFBuu
  15. Yep, I have gone Premier. My blog hasn't really past the 'pimpining' stages yet, but I've got lots of content for the blocks. I will be talking about many things, Video games, rants, Avatar: The Last Airbender, about me and the origin of my name, XD subjects, and just stuff among other things. I'd like to say thank Gman, SZ, and Turakii for inspiring my bloggy-ness. Thanks guys! -FFBuu
  16. If you are Tom Cruise: "How does, $200,000 sound?" -FFBuu
  17. FFBuu


    Yourfontblindsme. Ican'tevenseethespacebar -FFBuu
  18. FFBuu

    Paris Hilton

    Indeed. That being said, if Paris was smart enough to dress however she wanted, others would follow. The 50 or so really famous actors/ musicians can really change the world. Too bad most of them don't. -FFBuu
  19. Really awesome Dr. B. I bet shine is going to come in any second and remove the leet. Sat March 12, 1:44 -FFBuu
  20. People Eat Tasty Animals P.E.T.A. That is so true... and those are some very good points. -FFBuu
  21. In the way of DS games, buy New Super Mario Bros.
  22. FFBuu


    Unsung hero. 12-oz Pound Cake. Microsoft Security. Sky Diving Spicy Ranch Fighting Quaker Flavored Water ...I could go on for hours. Personally I liked Tautology better, 'cause I didn't know about it. That is rare. -FFBuu
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