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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Your forcefield sounds like the bullet defelctorshiled Batman uses in the "Gotham Knight" Anime...

  2. you could feed the manbearpig with cowsharks...or vice versa.

  3. Yes, but I was a few hours ahead ^^

  4. Actually I did get the flu -.-

    Last weekend.

    Very uncool.

  5. *phew* I'm glad. ^^ (And I feel stupid for not remebering where stafies b-day topics are posted *facepalm)

    I'll have a gift ready for you soon!

  6. on your prifle or on mine Kalli?

  7. Why am I thinking of that old disco-hit "ring my bell" at the moment...ungh.

  8. Fully participating in the BZPRPG this time ^^ Currently studying to become a game-designer and as always drawing and trying to improve.

  9. I felt like dropping by to show off my new personal pic :P

  10. ;P You're propably the only one who only equips him/herself with martial arts for a gun-shooting *pulls out magnum*

  11. Your very welcome ^^

  12. "Don't start with that head, it makes the victim all...fuzzy...oww"

  13. What sounds better: Here comes umbra on his weird spinning toes! or HERE COMES UMBRA ON HIS AWESOME ROLLERBLADES!

  14. Nope, same in every style ^^

  15. du hättest mir auch antowrten können und mir die letzte message in der inbox erspart...glaub ich

  16. Hmm...i came here to take a stare into the depths of hel....

  17. You have wise indeed. THough I don't know from where and for what reason.

  18. Yay for iPod ^^ (Not that it's always superior, I just like the big hard-drive)

  19. Emphasize is on WAS Tpt1 ^^

  20. Maybe that'll lift my mood :P

    Nothing like trying to phail-dance.

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