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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. SILENCE! I kill you!

  2. Hows the coolest cyberpunk lady I know (Aka You) doing?

  3. Ladies and Gentlemen I present you the EEE leader psy, the little kid that can't handle the fact that his favourite Sushi Carapar has bitten the dust.

  4. I'm a creep myself. At least thats what most people think at first.

  5. Zero Punctuation for the win ^^

  6. ladidaa...*random profile check*

  7. We lost contact with LV-426...

  8. Reminds me of the TV show "live on mars"

  9. Hmm...I want a warp-drive lawnmower.

  10. *sneaks into profile*


    *sneaks out of profile*

    Mwuahaha, I'm so sneaky!

  11. :P Then congrats on that in return. And all hail me for my new Laptop!
  12. Kudos for the signature! :D

  13. Wonder what it would be like to actually post memos on my profile...like...reminders to buy groceriesand stuff...

  14. Y'know, if you need a little distraction from schoolwork, send me a Pm and we can chat :P

  15. Btw. Master Chief is dancing exactly to the rythm of the song I'm currently hearing ^^

  16. *pokes back* I dunno... but there are so many people who are better then me...

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