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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. *hums Godfather theme tune* I make you an offer you can't refuse...

  2. *hums the song tune* We've got the powah!

    ok...hmm...seen dark knight yet tpti?

  3. *imagines Mutran growing a MP3 playing Rahi*

  4. *Is as interested in the answert to Raias question as she is*

  5. *is extremly ninja-shocked*

    HUGs back!

  6. *kicks in door* I am heeeeere.

  7. *Looks previous comments.* *Notices barfing smell....**leaves again*


  8. *Moonwalks in* Sup`? *Moonwalks out*

  9. *phew* I'm glad. ^^ (And I feel stupid for not remebering where stafies b-day topics are posted *facepalm)

    I'll have a gift ready for you soon!

  10. *pokes back* I dunno... but there are so many people who are better then me...

  11. *quickly checks out profile* Hi ^^

  12. *quickly hides in an anime safe bunker* I swear, if i ever get into an discussion with someone and they start talking about their favourite animes and Bankais and Ninjitsu or whatever their fandom revolves around I am gonna get mean....

  13. *remembers there's no RayG 2.0 sheet of me yet* Dark-blue body, feet and hands, Blue arms, Nuva armour (including Pohatus feet) but golden Lhikans Hau.

  14. *sidesteps, lets you fall on a table with glasses* good, but not convincing.

  15. *slides into profile, crashes into a pile of boxes* Whazzap?

  16. *sneaks into profile*


    *sneaks out of profile*

    Mwuahaha, I'm so sneaky!

  17. *stands paralyized*

  18. *takes out razor* Oh we can change that...forever. Let's put a smile on that face...!

  19. *tea and a piece of cake?* Against the schools tress ^^ A service brought to you by your frinedly neighbourhood VF.

  20. *Uses telekinesis to pull you back.*

    You aint going anywhere.

  21. *whispers* I think she knows...

  22. 007 in "The spy who left me a comment"

  23. 42 ^^

    And congrats on winning the RPG contest :)

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