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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. 007 in "The spy who left me a comment"

  2. Just so you know, I am still working on the Predalien ^^

    I should get it done this week.

  3. Thanks for the cookie :D

  4. The word the dark prince is looking for is spelled Holocaust.

  5. I am prety sure you are ^^

  6. Btw. Master Chief is dancing exactly to the rythm of the song I'm currently hearing ^^

  7. Yay for iPod ^^ (Not that it's always superior, I just like the big hard-drive)

  8. Even though I don't understand the metaphor, you are propably right.

  9. Never hurts to pick up the pencil again ;)

  10. Studying for finals mostly, and trying to figure out how to draw something I have in my head right now.

  11. Sup Munki ^^ Haven't seen you in ages!

  12. Wanna know something Shadrahk? So is he.

  13. Isn't it your holiday today?

  14. ladidaa...*random profile check*

  15. Btw, Resev, are you dropping by here every second day to keep an eye on me because you are afraid or do you wait for me to make a move that you can use against me?

  16. Half an hour til teatime.

  17. Did we get a chance to exchange instant messenger contact infos yet? ^^

  18. Just checking here *takes a suspiscious look around*

  19. Pity...it usually helps me...Well, my next treatment would propably be aspirin ;^^ And sleep.

  20. *A cup of tea for the stressed-out brain?*

  21. *hands you two bags with cooling packs* for the legs ;)

    And I bought a new sketchbook today.

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