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Kopaka's Apprentice

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Everything posted by Kopaka's Apprentice

  1. Yay! BZP's back! Thanks, BZP Staffies everywhere! =D
  2. Yay! Biomech has his blog back! =D I can't wait to see what future entries may come...
  3. You mean you don't know!? xDShould I? In five days the server BS01 is on will kick us off. So I'm trying to save the articles.
  4. You mean you don't know!? xD o.o Didn't I send you it? xD
  5. Well, I just finished copying and saving the Element and Kanohi articles. That was a lot of articles... Tommorow I'm doing Comics and Books. O.O I'll try and get a screenshot...
  6. Did you know that pigs kill more people than sharks? I'm never going to McDonald's Farm ever again. xD
  7. *Cough* I believe they grow oranges in Florida. Oranges are Florida's state fruit. >>
  8. I am both annoyed by flaming spammers and good members who flame spammers.
  9. bonesii, you rock. This blog post get's my approval. Five stars, too.
  10. Well, anyways, welcome to my profile. Stop stalking me! xP

  11. Thank you Binky, Big D, B6, and all the other mods on BZP who make this site possible for making this site possible.
  12. Just say something! D=


  13. In the words of Darth Swert...
  14. Title says all. =D So what if I'm copying Dok?
  15. I will tell my master the good news.
  16. Today my dad, brothers, and I went to see Spiderman 3 today for Father's Day. It was a great to hang out with my dad. It was very special to me. Happy Father's Day, Dad! ^^ The movie was awesome. Venom-Spidey (Spiderman in the Venom suit) vs. Sandman in the Sub way was totally awesome. Venom, Eddie Brock, was the most awesome villian I've seen so far. The battle sequences for both the villians totally rocked. I give it two big thumbs up!
  17. Wierd... That's what we did. And it rocked. So did the movie.
  18. Okay... 1) What rock bands do you like? 2) What instrument do you play? 3) What would you like to be when you reach adulthood? 4) If you could have a super-power, what would it be?
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