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Ballom Nom Nom

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Year 18

About Ballom Nom Nom

  • Birthday 06/12/1994

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    So maybe I should update this with something current. Huh.

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Gahlok-Kal Crushed

Gahlok-Kal Crushed (160/293)

  1. May we use an entry picture of a build with a stand edited out, as long as we also provide the non-edited photo to the contest hosts via the form?
  2. The milky white Metru foot is probably one for Nuju that got too little pigment. Other parts like that which look like prototypes but came from regular sets have been found, like a Gaaki head with too little pigment that looks like the glow-in-the-dark Barraki armor.
  3. Flickr "Weak? Stronger, I say, for I resisted the temptations you could not." My take on the white alternate-universe version of Makuta for BBC Contest 78. One of the few interesting details that I enjoyed out of the serials otherwise ranging from forgettable to dreadful was the idea of an alternate good-aligned Makuta, and the ultimately canon depiction of him by BZP's own ToM Dracone was the best design there ever was out of the canonized MOCs. Given those, it seemed fitting to make him for the contest, as both standout moments for the story and BZP itself. Naturally, the build is based heavily on both the classic canonized version of him as well as the original Makuta set.
  4. Flickr | Instagram
  5. Thanks! Someone on another site called the MOC "good Sauron," but to be honest that wasn't a connection I'd made prior! Yep, Cam is correct about the flex tube ring behind them. I tried to line things up to hide it as much as possible, but with a lot of things to line up here it does peek through in places.
  6. Flickr Instagram "Across the world, I brought other broken souls into the light. I harnessed their potential. I toppled dynasties. I brought balance." "The time for pawns is over. Balance will be restored in the Eye." The saint. The herald. THE EYE. ----- Secret Santa MOC made for Anthony Wilson, aka The Secret Walrus, young prodigy of the Portland Castle Group. Full details can be seen on either of the sites linked!
  7. It's been confirmed there's no G3 in the works but Faber is just making and posting art evoking Bionicle. Really y'all, calm down.
  8. I was excited to see there's a way to embed instagram posts, but it seems to break badly and fill the frame with a mangled version of BZP's login prompt if you view the page without being logged in. Here's a thread that has such an embed: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/28089-el-royale-king-of-the-ring/
  9. https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kO2e6JQe_/ oh hey BZP now has a fancy Instagram embed feature, let's try that out...
  10. One medium please
  11. Number 1
  12. Flickr Instagram
  13. Flickr Instagram
  14. Thank you for your critique. Happy to help! Listening to critique rather than dismissing or deleting it is important, but sometimes it feels like too many in the community don't realize that... thanks for showing otherwise
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