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Blog Comments posted by Necro

  1. Touche - the Cowboys have a habit of playing at the same time as the Ravens, so the thanksgiving game was the only one I've seen this season in its entirety, so I forgot about him. Editing...


    And hey, if I have a choice between a QB who's an all-star on his good days and average/below-average on his bad days leading the #7 offense, with the #10 defense backing him up, over the #2 offense led by a guy you can argue is the best in the league today, but with the gigantic achilles heel of a defense that's ranked dead last, I'll take the well-rounded, all-top-ten team instead of the offense-heavy one that can't block a pass to save their life. :P

  2. ohyousmall.png?t=1307814939


    On-topic, my top three in each position:


    QB: Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, and either Romo or Brady. On a good day I'll take Romo, but Brady's more consistent. Both are excellent though. That said, I think this may change in a few years, as there are a lot of younger QBs that I can see becoming absolute terrors, but need more coaching time, especially after literally no offseason to learn the ropes, and with coaches and coordinators flying around this season.

    Runningback: Rice, Peterson, Lynch.

    Wide Receiver: Calvin Johnson, Greg Jennings, Anquan Boldin

    Tight End: Jimmy Graham, Gronk, Jason Witten.

  3. I think the Ravens are going to get the #1 spot in the AFC North, the Steelers are going to get the #5 wild card, and I'm not sure about the #6 spot. I think that's either going to go to the Jets or the Bengals, and both have been very erratic, especially lately, so I want to see this Sunday before I decide who I think has a better chance. That said though, while his Superbowl 42 catch was what got me into football, I have more faith in Dalton and Green than I do in Burress and Sanchez, so I'll go ahead and bet on the Bengals for now.


    That said though, I honestly think it may be better for Pittsburgh to sit this playoff out. Granted I'm very biased as a Ravens fan, but it's love-hate for me with the Steelers, not hate-hate, I was genuinely concerned for Big Ben earlier tonight, and there's a difference between going up against the Browns, and going into the playoffs as a wild card, where there's a legitimate chance you'll have to play one of the top two defenses in the league other than your own, and a playoff picture that contains the #1, #2, #5, #11, and #16 leaders in sacks.


    That's an injury that I guarantee you was a single hard hit away from a serious reinjury, and if a single game after two weeks off with turf toe ended Jonathan Ogden's career, one hard hit by Miller, Suggs, Carter, Barwin, or Atkins(Or even Aldon Smith when they go against the 49ers) will end Big Ben's career if that foot absorbs the brunt of the fall, even if he is the indestructible man of steel. The Steelers don't want that, Big Ben doesn't want that, and admittedly I don't want that. But after he went back out tonight, if they're in the playoffs, he's not sitting on the sidelines. No chance. Forcing him to miss may be good in the long-term for them.

  4. What is waht called? I have no idea what you're talking about and am definitely not dancing a question, you silly filly bizarre person.


    My Little Clony. First five chapters actually got onto EqD over the summer while BZ was down. Been meaning to put up the next part, which I have almost done, but school has really slowed down the pace. Probably worth a heads-up, it's a little dark now and then, and it's probably going to get darker before reaching the end. Darkest before the dawn, as they say.

  5. Yeah, I guess. But we should of won.


    Now that I've actually seen the footage, while I stand by my earlier points, I couldn't agree more. This one isn't down to the guys on the field, the Cowboys themselves played like you expect a divisional leader to play - this is down to Garrett and DeCamillis, for not using the second timeout to get more time to close the gap, and for calling that timeout on your own kick for no real reason, respectively, both deserve a hard smack on the head for this game. This plain shouldn't have happened, I'd probably be burned myself if I were a Dallas fan, now that I know how it happened instead of just what the final score was.

  6. What movie?Lol, I remember being disappointed when any given Sunday was censored.


    The Hangover. People told me it was one of the best movies of the decade, Black Doug was about the only part that I really enjoyed.




    I remember being disappointed with Twilight Princess.


    That reminds me, I need to keep hunting for a TV that'll do post-2007 games justice...

  7. I ever tell you 'bout the time my buddy Keith drove his car off a cliff broke both his legs?


    It's not a "funny ha-ha" story, so much as a "make you think" story, for instance, windshields look pretty durable, right?


    Not the case, according to Keith. Son of a gun flew right through that sucker...

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