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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Necro

  1. Sochi: where doors are made of cardboard, bees are still in honey, doorknobs don't work, bathrooms are two-for-one, lightbulbs are few and far between, shower curtains are black market items, hotels don't have floors, water looks like apple cider, manholes don't have covers, fake snow is toxic, menus are hilariously mistranslated, modems dangle from holes in walls, hackers steal the information of literally everyone who connects, showers have live wires, light fixtures fall from the ceiling, grass is painted green, and only four out of five Olympic rings function as intended.


    That's not even going into the murder of thousands of innocent stray dogs or the oppression of the LGBT community.


    Sochi's a mess.

    It's not a mess, it's an adventure!



    • Upvote 1
  2. I saw this a lot on Facebook back when I used it (and honestly it's part of the reason why I stopped). It is sad, especially when it comes from people who, like you said, should know bad information when they see it. I guess the bigger question is why do some people feel the need to defend their biases so staunchly? Why not do good research and find good information to support your opinion? Although I guess the definition of 'bias' kind of answers that.


    Pretty much. I mean I don't claim to be perfect about it - everyone's biased to some extent, so we all do things we shouldn't because of it - but I make an effort to try and be objective even about things that support my stance on stuff. People are just so afraid of having to admit they're wrong sometimes that they're willing to resort to fiction to avoid doing so I guess.

  3. I honestly really liked this one. Yeah it would've been nice if Pinkie had more depth, but she hasn't exactly had many characterization opportunities, they didn't have a ton of material to draw off of at the moment.

    Also the songs were definitely better than her old ones. The old ones were too crazy and "Ohmygoditsasongweresingingasongletssingasong", these actually felt like they fit into the story.

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  4. Admittedly this was just stupidity on my part; I had actually heard about that argument via a different website, and for whatever reason I was not savvy enough to connect the dots or realize how easily this could be misconstrued until you two pointed it out. Apologies for any confusion or anger, again, this was written about something that I experienced in real-life, not anything on here or anyone on here, and I take the blame on this one.

  5. As far as calling people out on the blogs far away from any relevant discussion go, this was kind of a weak one.




    ...I made this in response to an argument two of my friends had over dinner where I agreed with one of them, but he was being such a doofus about it, I ended up siding with the one I disagreed with because it was over a minor thing and I'm not interested in belittling someone I've known since 8th grade.


    I'm not sure what you're referring to?


    Honestly, the track that bugged me the most was Cantermore's music. I don't know if it was just something about it not working with my taste, but I enjoyed almost every other track - particularly the Evershade forest - a lot more.


    Also, on the subject of Cloudopolis: they did an absolutely outstanding job on the aesthetics, too. I didn't get any lag though, or at least not to an excessive level? What settings were you running?


    even at minimal levels i would still get that lag (heading out from the airship in cloudopolis or the path towards the airship in cantermore after the first turn and you ace the city) so i just set them all at max just for the sake of taking screenshots

    Weird...how old's your computer?

  7. Honestly, the track that bugged me the most was Cantermore's music. I don't know if it was just something about it not working with my taste, but I enjoyed almost every other track - particularly the Evershade forest - a lot more.


    Also, on the subject of Cloudopolis: they did an absolutely outstanding job on the aesthetics, too. I didn't get any lag though, or at least not to an excessive level? What settings were you running?

  8. I'm not saying that what he did was okay or that we should turn a blind eye because he's a dumb stupid person who happens to be famous. I have no pity for someone stupid enough to drive drunk - let alone drag race while drunk - and he deserves to have the book thrown at him, aimed squarely at his head.

    But when I turn on the news, I'd much rather hear about the protests in Ukraine, or the IP laws the US government recently passed, or anything else more relevant. At the end of the day, the amount of media coverage shouldn't make a difference as far as the verdict, and there are other issues that get virtually no coverage but are much more important.

  9. Again, Spink, I agree with most of what you're saying, but I have to ask because I can't figure it out; Where are you that and what are you doing that you come across these people so regularly? I'm not saying you're wrong on that - it'd be kind of hard for me to prove your experiences wrong - or that it's somehow your fault, but there has to be something that factors into it, because I've met two, three, maybe four people like that in my life, and one of them was the son of another one of them.

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