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Blog Comments posted by Necro


    What you put in fiction reflects your beliefs as a person. How you write your characters reflects how you feel about them, and their different aspects.



    I disagree to an extent. I've written stories about deranged conspiracy theorists who I portrayed as the only voice of sanity, stories about 1984-esque governments that I've written to have the government in-question reflected as just and right, stories about organizations who are for all intents and purposes fictional terrorist organizations but I wrote as noble rebel causes even though their actions indicate otherwise. Stories about abusers from the abuser's perspective, complete with presenting the reader with their justifications and rationales, stories about racists and homophobes and all sorts of unpleasant people wherein they're not demonized, and if anything their bigotry is normalized. Warriors who would rather die by the sword than surrender, religious zealots who view consequences in the physical world as unimportant, all manner of things.


    In spite of all this, I can promise you with complete certainty that I laugh at the tinfoil hat brigade, I find the concept of a government like that of Oceania horrifying, and that I find terrorism pretty horrible too. I've been in an emotionally abusive relationship, so I'm certainly not attempting to minimize the helpless despair, conflicted emotions, and pain both mental and physical that come from being abused, and unless I've been lied to about what the words mean, I'm pretty darn sure I'm not a homophobe, a racist, or any other type of bigot. I'm also positive that, if offered a noble death in battle or a quiet shameful surrender, I'd take the option that involves living, and I've always made a point of keeping my philosophical beliefs to myself unless asked about them. I am none of these things I have written about in any way, shape, or form, and my views or opinions are not reflected in any way in these writings.


    To discount the possibility that a writer is using a character they write in order to make a statement, or to assume that the characters they write have no relation to the way they view or experience things is folly, but to assume that the characters they write are automatically indicative of how they feel and what they believe and how they interpret things, and aren't just that way because it's interesting or a concept the author felt like exploring without any vested interest, is equally erroneous.

    • Upvote 7

    I suppose I'll be cautiously optimistic, but I'm hesitant any time something is being rebooted. For every Dark Knight trilogy, there's a Transformers saga that makes Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja look like a masterpiece of storytelling.

    What I got from this is that they should reboot Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja to try and make it better.



    I would buy a Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja reboot in a heartbeat. There is no other dude I trust to be bad enough to save President Ronnie.



    *Big ol' bit of text*


    Bravo sir, you have managed to, for the time being, sway my opinion. Still need to see them in-person before I'm totally sold, but I am at the least excited now. I am very happy to be, by outward appearances, wrong on this one.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Admittedly the Megablocks comparison was probably a bit off the mark. The armor pieces just look so streamlined and so "clean", for lack of a better word, that my first thought was to their heavy use of specific molded pieces.


    Maybe I'm just being a bit cynical, but the difference with those is that there was some versatility in them; the Toa Mata bodies had well over a dozen sockets to attach parts to on them, even if they only used about seven of them. The Bohrok body pieces only used five but had eight(There was also a functional purpose to their design, the ability to roll into a ball). As far as I've been able to tell up to this point, the new sets were exactly the same as the past few Toa sets that I just got bored with; a skinny technic skeleton with some molded armor pieces attached by a two-stud rod. That said though, there's clearly some sort of gear function in the backs of them, though nobody has mentioned any of that until now so I have no idea what it is. There's also more complexity than the front suggests.


    I suppose I'll be cautiously optimistic, but I'm hesitant any time something is being rebooted. For every Dark Knight trilogy, there's a Transformers saga that makes Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja look like a masterpiece of storytelling. For every Captain America, there's a Pink Panther. I can't trust a reboot until I can see it in-person.


    I am still not a fan of the molded hands though. Constantly clenched fists lack any sort of expression, at least with the old ones there was some interpretation, and they were much more versatile.

  4. Not sure what's wrong with the hand pieces. Your comparison with Axonn's hands is totally out of place anyway, or would you expect those hands to be used for the Toa? Internal intricacy? The gear functions have more intricacy than any other BIONICLE canister set I can think of.


    I was using Axonn's hands as an example of the only "realistic" Bionicle hands that I've actually been fond of, not to say that those should be on every single one of them. And as far as I can tell from the photos I've seen - which again, have all been straight-on and from the front - there are no gear functions, so I was unaware of their existence, hence this line:




    Some rear pics would be great since that might give more insight to how they're constructed






    What? Have you even looked at the sets? Apart from weapons, head/mask, one new armor piece and the gearbox piece (which seems to be a Technic piece that will surely find other uses), they don't even have new parts - it's all extremely versatile parts we already had from Hero Factory, though there are quite a few recolours.


    Yes, I have looked at them. And with the front-only photos that I have seen, it just looks like a basic technic skeleton covered in gigantic pieces of armor, primarily oversized chestplates and shoulderplates. Maybe I'm out of the loop because every time I've browsed through the lego aisle, none of the Hero Factory sets felt worth their price to me, so I have never bought any of them, but I'm just giving my impressions.



    I disagree with many of your assessments, but then again I've seen the sets in person, know how intricate and diverse they are, and even own a figure built from many of the new parts. Maybe when reviews show up it'll change your opinion.


    And there's the issue. Everyone that seems to think otherwise has seen them in-person, whereas the internet is all that is available to me for their designs, and the photos that are online aren't the most helpful in the world. People are saying they're great, but those same people on here praised the sets that I really lost interest in. And there's nothing wrong with that, if people like that, more power to them, it means they're having more fun than me. But when the people going "This is really great" also said that about things I didn't like, and the only photos I can find suggest it's a thing I won't like, what reason do I have to think otherwise?

  5. I guess maybe I'm just overreacting because it seems like things have become much more abrasive here over the past year or two, and there always feels like there's an "us vs. them" attitude in these discussions, not an attempt at mutual dialog. The tone can kind of give the impression of a fight sometimes too, like Avohkah said.

    • Upvote 1
  6. ^Edit: Maybe I'm just reading them weird, the tone seems much more angry and defensive than that to me.


    I don't think the 'controversy' is as insignificant. The main concern is that many of us (and I include myself), are certainly sticklers for correct grammar.


    However, in our assumptions of correct grammar, it is assumed that those who speak to us have the same education and abilities as us. We neglect to think that maybe they didn't have that good of schooling, or read as many books as we did, or can't process words and letters like we do.


    So it's not so much a controversy, as a chance to see another side we don't often consider, and an opportunity to expand our view on the world and realize that we still have some privilege we must remember, and lessons still to be learned.


    Except with the vast majority of entries on the subject that I've seen where people defend "improper" grammar, it's not "This is how I was taught to speak, this is what I understand", it's "I do this because it's convenient and easier". Which is completely fine, but it's not something this big.

  7. I have yet to have that happen to me a single time? I get a lot of disconnect errors, but after doing some research, that's more likely because my campus wi-fi uses a strict NAT filter than anything on Bungie's side of things(Which also makes sense because if I get a disconnect on, say, mars, I'm able to go to the moon or venus without a problem).

  8. The overworld on most planets is actually fairly painless to navigate, thanks in large part to the aforementioned speeder bikes. Occasionally it can be a bit longer than enjoyable, but the longest it'll take if you know where you're going is two or three minutes to get from one place to another.


    I actually reached the current max level of 20 before I finished the plot without doing any grinding beyond taking on the side missions instead of doing purely story missions, and playing PvP in the Crucible a little bit. The respawning is also pretty forgiving too, unless you're on a strike mission(Higher difficulty PvE missions with mandatory co-op) in one of the respawn restricted zones. Otherwise you typically respawn within a 20 second sprint of your previous location, and can do so about five seconds after dying.

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