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Blog Comments posted by xccj

  1. Wait, so all six smaller sets are Matoran? :blink: I thought three were good and three were bad... ah, well, I'll wait for Janurary to know for sure.


    And isn't this the first time we've seen canister villians with mask powers? :bigsmile: I can't wait to see where 2008 takes us.



  2. From my experience, the BBCs were the popularity contests, but I suppose I haven't paid enough attention to the artwork contests. :sly:


    You have a point: some people can't accept that the new Nuva aren't the old Nuva... and others make vlid arguments on both sides. Luckily, we've seen that Greg can write about the Nuva, so the odds are a change in personality won't come along in the books and comics, even if the sets are different. And, anyway, how can we critique the quality of the sets from those very small images? Gotta keep an opened mind...



  3. Hmm... a couple of points I'll agree with or contradict...


    Kopaka: I think the "lens" feature was more problematic when they included it wiht Nuju, who had shown no interest in telescopes before the flashback to Metru-Nui. At that point, I think the set designers were putting in a bit much nostalgia in the white sets, which they dropped for Matoro. I guess we should be happy ta all that Kopaka kept his scopic lense, which I think defined him even more than the shield or sword (and come on, the Nuva shield was bulky, why would we want a new one of those? I bet if Kopaka was given a shield, he wouldn't get a sword at all) I think a shield is useful in combat. I didn't find the Nuva one too bulkey. (Oh, calling Kopaka Nuva and Kopaka Nuva both Kopaka Nuva is going to get confusing.


    Lewa: right on, where on Mata-Nui is that bright green color that just evaporated when Lego said "we're taking the story in a darker direction, so we'll darken the colors for you too". I have notice bright red and bright blue making slight combacks in sets, and we've even seen secondary colors (orange, light blue, lime green) make a strong comeback... but where's our green? Oh well, maybe the 2008 green baddie will not be that horrible dark shade. Glad you agree


    Pohatu: Yeah, he's not a perfect set, but his original Nuva form was "fat" in my opinion, so "overly unarmored" might as well be his lacking quality here. True, Hewkii Inika's color scheme is looking alot nicer now... :sly:


    Well, you make some good points, and bright up some set design details that I haven't thought of too much yet. I'm just hoping that the sets do look better in person than in these prereleased pictures.




    Thanks for being a person that gives nice feedback with their own opinions while not yelling at the original person.

  4. Oh My Mata-Nui!


    I have been doing ALL OF THAT on Powerpoint for years now! I didn't actually read the whole blog... I skimmed over it, saw the pictures, and I have done all of that before to create Kanohi masks, Toa, Matoran, and other Bionicle creatures. I have mentioned it in my posts plenty of times in the past, but I have never heard of anybody else who did it too. And you're using the same basic styles that I use. Wow. :drool:


    Just one quick question... what version of Powerpoint are you using? I excelled at PP 95, because the freehand grid was more limited, so you could thus move specific points around on a basic grid line (this set up a bunch of limitations, but without the 'snapping to grid line' option, it's a little too loose) I've found 97 and 03 okay on the basics, but for editing complex shapes, I liked 95.


    Color filling, grouping, free form, layering, and symmetry on MS Powerpoint For The WIN!



  5. Well, I kinda had a feeling that Lego wouldn't follow the excelent design you came up with, and would just make new Toa sets. But I have remembered that the Nuva, while excelent in the story, weren't great sets when compared to the Mata, so the change won't bother me. The high point here is that we'll get our heroes back, with their complex personalities and deep backstories, and we won't have any more shallow Toa characters for 08.


    Just my perspective, and yes, I do agree with you... when reading the books I will certainly imaging the Toa Nuva in their original forms. :)



  6. I'm sure Lego isn't really thinking about storage, but about what part of the canister catches a person's attention and makes them buy the box. I think the problem with some canisters would be that they couldn't fit the larger pieces that are coming with all the new canister sets... I like your reasoning for them to be switched to boxed sets. That would be cool if it save'd 'em money that could then be put into improving the sets.



  7. *Personal Opinion* I think it would be better of Takua willing sacrifices himself. :P


    Anyway, yeah, that sounds like an excelent idea, and certainly would've been more logical in some ways. The Jaller revitalization thing is knocked out of the way, and it would make a fitting end to Takua. I mean, he was against the journey at first, so to leave Jaller and Pewku he shows courage to finish what he knows is his quest. And, yes, I thought it would've been better if Takanuva hadn't just been a transformed Takua (especially because there was this secrecy about who Takanuva was in summer 03 that became lame when the name was such a giveaway). And the way Takanuva chooses his name... yes, I really like that part.


    So this is kinda like a watered down version of a story. Cool, I'll have to check up when you add more updates. :)



  8. Based on the truck on the Titanic, I'd say you went on Sunday. :P Hmm, I guess I missed out on meeting another BZPer there. I was walking around snapping pictures of the creations too. And you're right, it was a great convention.


    You took alot of great pictures... capturing some of the finer models on display. Thanks for the "Product Review". :lol:



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