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Blog Comments posted by xccj

  1. But what happens when one has a really long line, and you turn around, and BAM! there's not another Starbucks two blocks away without a line that you could go to?


    Think of all that pain and suffering that would come from such a thing. :sarcastic:





    I'd kill to go to a convention like that. Custom minifig & Toa purchases sound right up my street. Ah well. Sounds like you had fun. Enjoy your next visit!



    Ha, I spent less than ten dollars and still went over buget, Mr. I-Am-Getting-All-The-07-Titans. :P



  3. What, you refuse to comment on the art itself? This is an art contest, if the art is un-commentable, then did the whole idea just really fail?


    I have some original material from Kulagi's Kanoka... my Mirus and Kaukaus are really good, even though my Kakamas and Haus are slightly disporportionate. I might just post a series of all the characters I've created so far. The best part is, it's a lot easier to recolor, customize, and move limbs in powerpoint than it is in some other kits I've seen that recoment MS Paint. :P


    Can't comment on the art... I'm doomed.



  4. That's a good representation of Onua Nuva... finally, Vahki legs that work!


    As for your spirit week... freshman and seniors always seemed to get the most recognition because one's just entering, and the other's leaving next year. My class's theme was anything the color yellow (0ther classes had other colors). It was cool and we did some nifty things with it over the years, but what sucked was that we had it every year! And we couldn't compete with seniors who had green! Arg...


    The pacman thing sounded cool.



  5. Matoran playing a bigger role and being better sets? Only can mean they're more expensive next year... otherwise why would they get such a big role. Only Matoran that got huge roles were Takua and Jaller... because they came in the more expensive sets as riders of Rahi.


    2008 sounds cool. I can't wait to see the new sets (I expect we'll get real images by December, right? :P )



  6. You make some good points... especially about the characters of the Toa Inika. While I thought the Piraka had diverse enough characteristics, the Inika do seem a little bland, but its not that they changed much from their Matoran representatives. Of the six Matoran, Hahli and Jaller got the most characterization in previous media, with Nuparu and Matoro getting a little and Hewkii and Kongu getting minimal. My big problems with their characters is that I envisioned those Matoran in my own stories, so when those didn't match up to the official storyline, it felt odd.


    But, anyway, interesting rant. :P



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