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Toa Huki

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Blog Comments posted by Toa Huki

  1. But if I continue to not be able to build satisfying MOCs I might revert to just being a collector/story enthusiast.




    With Seran... gone... you're the only consistently awesome mocist left. :(

  2. Stupid oil prices... I have a rant, but I won't get into it. It involves our president. My views on him. Oil prices, and froogles.

    For the record, there are no fewer new pieces this year than most years of BIONICLE. Take note of that before you blame oil prices for a non-existant flaw in recent sets.


    If you want an exact or near-exact count, there are fifty-six new parts this year (unless I am missing some). Compare that to fifty-one in 2007 (not counting the nine that debuted in playsets), fifty-four in 2006 (again, not counting playset parts, of which this year had a whopping twenty-seven), forty in 2005 (plus twenty in playsets), forty-two in 2004, forty-two in 2003, forty-three in 2002, and thirty-nine in 2001. These numbers may be slightly inaccurate, but so far they demonstrate an upward trend in the number of new molds each year. So a lack of a new weapon piece on each set cannot be attributed to less new parts over the course of the year for whatever reason (Admittedly, this does not at all justify the lack of a creatively constructed weapon on some sets, such as Mutran and Vican where making a second staff rather than a sword should have been simple, but it's preposterous to attribute this to oil prices). And if it's not oil prices, I think I'm safe to say our president has no considerable impact on what goes on over in Denmark, whatever problems you attribute to him at home.

    However, if playsets are counted (I don't see why not), there are less pieces this year than in the past two. I'm actually hoping for less new pieces; we get so many already, and less new pieces might reduce the cost of canister sets.


    And what's wrong with consistently reusing an awesome piece? :P

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