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The Venom

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Status Updates posted by The Venom

  1. Nice Idea. My Yahoo ID is up.. for real..

  2. Hey Rogwiz! You've been missing out.. D:

    Where've you been?

  3. Argh. You win this time... :P

  4. Hye bro, it's been long.

  5. Dude. Mera will cause problems, I guarantee it. He will do anything to get his way. I have a reason to why I fired him. :/


  7. Quiet or I "own" you on the chat. I already told him about it.

  8. Lookin' good there, pimpin'. XP

  9. Endure was pure heck.

  10. Wow. He got banned? Wow. This was very shocking. I just blurred "WHAT?!" once I saw he was banned.

    Good bye Fresh Makuta.

  11. Halo Anniversary's great. Happy Halo day everyone!

  12. 'Sup? It's me Venom. How's it goin'?

  13. Congrats, two of your topics got in the HT list!

  14. See Civil War and you'll know what I meant by "missing out". :P

  15. Civil War is up, my boi.

  16. Check out V.3 every Tuesday and Friday for a new comic!

  17. Dude... No. Just no.

    Mera's way too.. Meh.

  18. LOL. El Blanko..

    Who is this? This is probably a so-called MIB. What is an MIB anyway... I mean, how else can El Blanko here be banned?

    ~DJ Venom

  19. That. That is freakin' awesomesauce.

  20. Wow, Sy. Just wow.

  21. It's.......... You.....

  22. My comics are good, right? :P

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