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Laughing Man

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Everything posted by Laughing Man

  1. ordered the Japanese import edition of Heckoween's Keeper of the Seven Keys Parts I & II double disc set
  2. I don't think I'm a very good writer either to be fair, if you ever want to give it a go I'd be more than willing to let you publish a review or two on our site thanks for checking it out either way though, feel free to spread the word meanwhile the blog is only 4 days old and we've already been shared by artists including the pop-punk band Unturned and Dennis friggin Lyxzén of Refused fame, plus we just got our very first official advance review copy of an album directly from the artist and label exciting times lads
  3. personally, I think Bionicle's depiction of planets did it more harm than its use of boxes. I hate it when companies pander to the fake "earth is a sphere" elitists.
  4. I run a music news/reviews blog with a couple other BZPers now. check us out http://thedevilschord.tumblr.com/

  5. me, McCree, and Queen of Liars are running a music blog now. gonna mostly cover metal, punk, and alternative stuff so if any of y'all are interested in that, you should check us out. we're also on the lookout for more writers and contributors if anybody's interested. wouldn't mind having somebody who can cover more indie rock-type stuff, for example.
  6. "The Letdown" - Bad Omens this album sounds exactly like Bring Me the Horizon circa Sempiternal. I liked Sempiternal so I don't mind. and hey, at least it's better than That's the Spirit.
  7. Halloween. the 1978 John Carpenter original, not Rob Zombie's god-awful remake.
  8. bought A Means to No End by Destrage and pre-ordered Shrines of Paralysis by Ulcerate
  9. "Everything Falls Apart" - Korn new album is actually good and easily their best since Untouchables. what a time to be alive.
  10. FYI: Superheaven's first album Jar is currently name-your-price on Bandcamp. I bought it for $10 last year and it was worth it then so it's sure as heck worth it now RIYL emo revival type stuff mixed with very 90s grungy influences
  11. "Wanting Not So Much to as To" - The Dillinger Escape Plan
  12. since my last post I bought The Violent Sleep of Reason by Meshuggah, Arctic Thunder by Darkthrone, Dissociation by The Dillinger Escape Plan, and three Green-era Weezer singles (for the B-sides)
  13. Laughing Man


    every waking moment
  14. "I Did Something Weird Last Night" - Jeff Rosenstock sixth time I've listened to this album in the past two days and it's still as good as it was the first time.
  15. the new Jeff Rosenstock album is super good guys

  16. so I think the new Jeff Rosenstock is my AotY you can download it for free here btw if it wasn't obvious from my first statement, you probably should
  17. warm dang, the new Meshuggah is pretty awesome. honestly probably one of my favorites they've done. I was kinda burnt out/bored with them for a while but this new album has reminded me why I used to love them also the new Darkthrone slays edit: also, new Ulcerate in two weeks, hyped as FRICK
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