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Laughing Man

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Everything posted by Laughing Man

  1. pre-ordered Into the Night World by Machinae Supremacy and bought Undressed Momento, Dopoguerra, Just in Case We Never Meet Again, and Sentimentale Jugend by Klimt 1918
  2. bought Lost Themes and Lost Themes II by John Carpenter, July and Strangers by Marissa Nadler, and Apocalypse, Girl and Blood (Female Dog) by Jenny Hval
  3. I am entitled to my own opinion, I believe. I personally can't stand that type of music. Others may disagree, and that's perfectly fine. I'll take that as a yes lmao 4/5 - good stuff
  4. so like do you only post here to be a pretentious le wrong generation twat or 3.5/5 - it's aight, a pretty nice song but a little bit too """adult contemporary""" for my taste. kind of reminded me of some of Collective Soul's ballads though which is nice.
  5. bought the self-titled album by Bad Omens and found Killbox 13 by Overkill in a 99 cent bin
  6. ordered the Japanese editions of Tales from the Twilight World and A Night at the Opera by Blind Guardian and the US edition of Portraits by Bury Tomorrow
  7. decided to take advantage of Nuclear Blast's killer Black Friday sale and ordered The Union of Crowns by Bury Tomorrow and the limited edition digipak version of A Twist in the Myth by Blind Guardian
  8. yall need to do yourself a favor and check out Fake End by Ştiu Nu Ştiu I didn't think anything could dethrone Jeff Rosenstock as my AotY but I'm pretty sure this did
  9. geez this topic is dead new Metallica is surprisingly not bad I mean, it's still post-80s Metallica, but it's probably better than anything since the black album that's really the only new metal album I've listened to in a while, besides the new In Flames which.. the less said about the better
  10. bought the Funeral Party EP by Grave Pleasures, Vol II by Puppy, the 3-disc limited edition of Hardwired...to Self-Destruct by Metallica (which I got for only $5 because Amazon goofed and shipped it late so they refunded me half of what I paid for it), and the 2015 remasters of Kill 'Em All and Ride the Lightning also by Metallica
  11. memes memes same as a major pentatonic scale but the tonic of the scale is a different note this feels like the set-up to a joke I wouldn't be able to make on BZPower dot com hopefully on the bottom of Donald Trump's foot a computer game released in 1984 hey, this is mine
  12. I'm just gonna start directing people to this entry whenever they try to tell me voting third party is a wasted vote
  13. 5/5 for the band name, 4/5 for the song. vocals were a little hit or miss at times but I really like the energy of it. I listened to this song on repeat the night before my job interview on Thursday and I got the job:
  14. Run for Cover Records have made everything on their Bandcamp name-your-price through the weekend with all proceeds going 100% to Planned Parenthood. lots of great music for an even greater cause. they have a lot of pop-punk/emo type stuff that I'm sure other people here would enjoy more than me, but some personal recommendations I have from their roster are Peripheral Vision by Turnover, II by Makthaverskan, Colourmeinkindness by Basement, Jar by Superheaven, and Pale Horses by mewithoutYou. the former two are especially fantastic releases; highly recommend those at the very least.
  15. 4.5/5 - was only familiar of Jeff Buckley's version previously, which I like, but this may be even better. RIP indeed.
    1. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      reposting a deleted comment literally once isn't "spamming" btw, but you're free to spin it however you want fam

  16. had a job interview today. I start Monday.

  17. Laughing Man


    right, 4 years of lives ruined and incredible hardship for millions of people but, yknow, it's not the end of the world
  18. do your civic duty, burn an American flag today

    1. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      I'd rather paint my own, from my own blood. As a personal token, then burn the flag itself. For some it still has meaning, for me? It never did, but that doesn't mean I have to defile an icon.

  19. why do I still visit this website

    1. Toa Imrukii
    2. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Just to suffer? You feel it too don't you?

  20. pre-ordered Battles by In Flames even though it'll suck because I have no self-control and can't let go of the past
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