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Laughing Man

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Everything posted by Laughing Man

  1. I think you have the wrong AMA the one you're looking for is this way
  2. I honestly got pretty much the same today (I think it was the Greatest Hits title though). OFFICIAL JOURNEY SONG RANKINGS: 1. Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) 2. Who's Crying Now 3. idk Lights maybe??? ...oops, I'm supposed to have left. ranking is good (especially Separate Ways at #1, GOAT song) but I'd maybe put Only the Young at #3 The Essential compilation is super good, it's got all the songs from the greatest hits plus another disc of songs (less popular singles, deep cuts, a couple live, etc.)
  3. The Essential Journey by Journey and Paradise Lost's 2005 self-titled I also bought the 2016 reissue of Pinkerton by Weezer on vinyl but the record's warped and gotta go back
  4. Breaking Rules!OP says two words, "pain" and "suffering" are two words. the "and" doesn't count on topic: not caring Created game! (I created the game buddy, don't go telling me the rules.) I'm not telling you the rules, just pointing out that I followed them. you said "describe the current day with two words", not "describe today with a two-word phrase". I read the opening post and I used two words to describe the current day, what's the problem lmao on topic: family emergencies
  5. that song doesn't feature Amon Amarth, it's just a cover of a song originally by Amon Amarth on their album of the same name. the guest harsh vocalist is Peter Tägtgren of Hypocrisy fame, who also produced the album (and Amon Amarth's early albums). the original song is way better btw "Just an Interlude in Your Life" - Klimt 1918
  6. Breaking Rules! OP says two words, "pain" and "suffering" are two words. the "and" doesn't count on topic: not caring
  7. "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" - Journey
  8. Home Alone, The Santa Clause, and Silent Night Deadly Night
  9. Laughing Man


    I can't believe Reidak is gay
  10. bought Node by Northlane; The Well-Intentioned Virus by Zao; Greying by The Banner; Dark Passion Play by Nightwish; Reading, Writing and Arithmetic by The Sundays; Travels by Defeater; They Moved in Shadow Together by Emily Jane White; Souvenirs d'un autre monde, Les voyages de l'âme, and Shelter by Alcest; and Rage for Order, Operation: Mindcrime, and Empire by Queensrÿche
  11. 4/5 - cool vibe and good vocals, kinda got repetitive but otherwise enjoyable
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