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Laughing Man

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Everything posted by Laughing Man

  1. Laughing Man

    Hee Hee

    How was this fad started, anyway ? EDIT:This entry has gotten the exact same amount of comments as Doktor's! Weird.
  2. Laughing Man

    Hee Hee

    Yes! Yes! Action figures! We must have them! I'll get straight to work on that!
  3. Laughing Man

    Hee Hee

    If I was a strangler, I'd be hiding from myself. But wait-- that's impossible... isn't it? Can one really hide from oneself? I'll have to do some contemplating and studies on this matter..
  4. I didn't. I didn't even know it was "your" catchphrase. I've seen 'Lolrz' in lots and lots of other places as well .
  5. Laughing Man

    Hee Hee

    True, true. Proclaimed straggler I am, then! (y'know, when I first saw that I thought you's said I was a strangler )
  6. Laughing Man

    Hee Hee

    Yay! I got an award. And when I said that, I was trying to be funny . I know that it's impossible to be late for something that just started.
  7. Laughing Man

    Hee Hee

    You get it half off. Only $5 if you quote yourself . Oh, and, what's a "straggler"?
  8. Laughing Man

    Hee Hee

    Heh heh. Get yer T-shirts! Get yer nice soft T-shirts here!
  9. Laughing Man

    Hee Hee

    I think I'll make some T-shirts to support this fad .
  10. I hope I'm not too late to join the fad *points to sig* . Well, as long as i'm here...
  11. Ooh!!! Oooohhh!!! I've gotta get my some of those, ASAP! Buy me 1,000,000,000,000,000 1/2, please!
  12. Oohh... ouch. Beware the over-protective nanas. They can hurt you. I mean, 'nanas' even rhymes with "Manas" which is Matoran for "monster". Like I said, beware .
  13. *gasp!* You stole McSpam's pic! * Oh wait... I just did too . *credit to McSpam's maj for pic I love that picture. XD ~Kopaka's Apprentice
  14. Laughing Man


    Woah... Tiny baby hedgehogs. Cute...
  15. Hmm. I agree. (wait- what am I agreeing with ?)
  16. Out of all those, I've only read Frankenstein. I hated it. Too violent, too sad. I have seen the movies of The Phantom of the Opera and Left Behind, though .
  17. An enslaved Doomtoran would be sweet!
  18. Before I saw the "eating a lollypop" message right under the pic, I thought you were smoking a ciggerate. Sheesh . Well, CONGRATULATIONS!
  19. Hey... that lot of pieces looks mighty good... I might have to disscuss buying it from you with my mom...
  20. Oh. Lol. Anyway, thanx for profile-ing me!
  21. Yay! It's me! Where did I say I have only 4 toes O.o ? It's possible to eb a diffirent color than what you really are! See: "What's black and white and red all over?" Ha! Gotcha there!
  22. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Have you ever been aboard a spaceship? Who sells seashells by the seashore? Who is your favorite Bionicle character? Did I spell "Character" wrong? And the most important question ever asked... Why am I asking you all these weird questions?
  23. GRAH!!!! Turakii! You're just a *gasp* REGULAR member again! *dies*
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