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Everything posted by Crunchyn

  1. Thanks for the comment and yeah it's been ridiculously close so far I also thought that compositionally your piece was influenced by Drew Struzan, he was one of the artists I was considering for reference for my entry.
  2. I used a lot of photo-bashing due to time constraints. Initially I had just a scribble of the Toa and the Mask of Creation atop basically a wall of rainbow to set the mood. Then using layer styles (overlay, soft light, color dodge, etc.) and clipping masks, I mesh photos that fits the visual narrative I was going for together cohesively into one image. I kept the rainbow wall as a overlay layer to bind all the different elements together. The Toa were the last elements I finished which I painted by hand.
  3. My entry is inspired by the aligned planets and ekimu's word clouds about the Prophecy of Heroes http://i.imgur.com/RIPYvoX.jpg
  4. Ehhhhh, I'm stopping now. Member Name: Crunchyn Entry Image: LINK Entry Topic: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/20641-journey-to-netflix-entry-cosmic-destiny/
  5. Ahhhhhhhh only 2 hours left?! Must...finish...
  6. That link is giving me a 404 - wrong link, or maybe the image is set to Private.Same.I'm on mobile and it's asking me to log in to yahoo
  7. K, I lost this contest, bye *windows xp shutdown sound* Welp, that's it. Contest's over.
  8. young villager from the book.
  9. Is the 11:59pm deadline on Eastern time?
  10. Crunchyn


    Thanks for the comment! Haha yes, I bashed in an image of the Ignika from the comics to fill up the empty space I had there, that version fit the best and wasn't as distracting as the set form. As for the stroke effect, that was done by hand with a specific brush. I can't remember it right now as I'm at a different workstation currently, but it was a rake-ish brush with color dynamics settings (possibly from Houston Sharp? I've been going toward his set of brushes usually) and I'd just go back and forth using the colors from the artwork to create that effect.
  11. Crunchyn


    EDIT: Thanks for the feature, BZP! Instead of working on my entry for Journey to Netflix, I finished up a Vezon painting I left on the desktop for months.
  12. I know the feeling I'm still contemplating whether I should attempt a Drew Struzan (Star Wars) style or perhap a Dave Rapoza lineart style. Even then I still had a bunch of empty space to figure what to fill with XD
  13. The announcement for the MaskMaker Contest teased the 2016 sets, so yeah, I guess we can technically use them for this contest now, but only what we can infer from that one image
  14. I'll ask for anyone considering this route given our timeframe though I might consider doing this as well: Are photo manipulations allowed for this contest?
  15. Yes, I really need to ask at this point after evaluating your models, can you guarantee that they are compatible with the actual sets?
  16. Here's a new update featuring Jan Kjaer, who worked as a freelance illustrator and story development for LEGO, one being BIONICLE way back in the developing stages. and beyond. You might recognize this art of Axe, one of the preceding six characters who then were developed into the Toa Mata. Recently I came across his site which has two more pieces he did which were for a much later year in the Metru Nui setting. The image names suggest that the Toa Metru may have possibly been meant to be different forms of the Toa Mata until LEGO decided to make them a new team instead. http://www.jankjaer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/B_Onua1.jpg http://www.jankjaer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/B_Lewa1.jpg
  17. Shapeways was having a promotion a while ago so I'd thought I'll model one of the mask concepts that I really liked (it's like a Hau combined with an Akaku!) Objective of this was to get a feel of how one would model a mask to fit the G2 heads and as such, learn the more numerous requirements for the masks to fit (i.e the jawline should line, a notch must be fitted over the forehead, etc.) Admittedly, I ignored a characteristic found in the prongs which turned out to be important after all but 1) no space because the side cheek holes didn't give me any and 2)I ran out of time before the promotion would end. When I got the print, the mask fit incredibly well into the head but the connection was not that supportive. Thanks for looking! Original Model (Modeled in Maya, Rendered in Zbrush) Printed from Shapeways in White Strong Flexible Polished material (Eyepiece is glued on; I want my Hau and Akaku 2) Looks like a Hau here: But Tahu, this is Kopaka's Mask.
  18. he's placed the arms and legs inside a sintershell which I guess is to lower the cost of printing....somehow.
  19. It might be better costwise to remove/shorten the axle drastically so that we can use our own axles with the piece. You can still upload an image that has it axle'd on Shapeways so people can get an idea of how it looks.
  20. the old Bionicle hand socket pieces.the ones used on matoro/takadox?I think he might be referring to this one: That'll be the one.
  21. Someone on BZP also made one available on shapeways: http://www.shapeways.com/product/U98LK898Q/kanohi-olisi-mask-of-alternate-futures-bionicle?li=search-results-1&optionId=43809043
  22. As someone who built his own papercraft stand, I very welcome this. Looks very simple to assemble which is a plus for the younger fans. LEGO, please add papercraft stand for all future sets (or have them as downloadable pdfs on the site)
  23. These are designs I did for a challenge from the Bionicle Art Squad in which we design our own protector. The first is a protector inspired by samurai where I originally had them as perhaps a protector that existed before Narmoto although the skull spider shoulder armor now breaks that continuity and the second one is a Korgot redesign, emphasizing the gun chest feature by...adding more guns (still needs more guns) and is heavily inspired by Gundam Heavyarms.
  24. Nice, I had no clue which font program would let me use images so I tried re-making your iteration on Fontstruct, some mistake due to the pixel nature of the program. It looks a lot similar to fonts made of symbols in the the game Journey. Preview: http://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/1169810
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