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Master of Ice and Sonic

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Blog Comments posted by Master of Ice and Sonic

  1. 10. :glare: Tsk tsk.

    9. Can't comment on this.

    8. What about Hobbes? He's a tiger, and tigers are cats.

    7. That's my friend.

    6. I play volleyball in gym, and I'm a pretty good server. But still, no.

    5. Never drank coffee before.

    4. Are not. I usually play Nintendo games, but I'm not that into gaming.

    3. Hey! I'm a big Star Wars fanatic too. :bigeek:

    2. Even though I live in America, I'm Korean, and honestly, I've never seen them get into the World Cup finals. No offense meant.

    1. Nope.



  2. Yay, my turn.


    1. Did you start this to kill :vahi: ?


    2. Um, where did all my questions go?


    3. Ah, here they are. Did Binkmeister make the Board Message "Binky is stinky. Neener neener."


    4. Did Binky make this one? "Secret Fact #6: Bionicle Rex likes cheese."


    5. Who made the bubble wrap?


    6. Can you guess where I was born?


    7. Do you like Calvin and Hobbes?


    8. Who's your favorite Star Wars character? (Mine is Darth Maul, Jango Fett, or Plo Koon.)


    Guess that's it for now.



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