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Everything posted by Nidman

  1. electon wat happnd to yuo

  2. Nidman

    Ask Teemaich

    is team h a good team because my nuew beeownicycles were thinking of joining it
  3. Nidman

    Too Good To Pass Up

    This is the most awesome thing I've ever seen in my life.
  4. Say this 5 times fast: Dulge Hakann
  5. omg help :o

    nobody expects the vorox inquistion




    wait that was lame


    or did you notice something about your name

  6. wat

    omgomgomgwathappnd :o

  7. im not saying i want it to


  8. too bad it'll prollyt get changed back or something



  9. katie your current name must be the greatest display naem in history

  10. birkeen wen wheel yuo maek eyjafjallajokull >:

  11. lol its not sapm

  12. nice fsjalewa

  13. why b12

    I would've chosen vitamin g7

  14. well what were you expecting

    can you think of something better

  15. Nidman

    A Fan Comic?

    This is awesome. Needs more plot tho.
  16. this dude is awseome B)

  17. Doesn't that defy the whole point? meh who cares it'll be very educational Educational you say? Well what did you expect from the exact opposite of a typical comic of Tahu's adventures?
  18. Doesn't that defy the whole point? meh who cares it'll be very educational
  19. Okay, I'll make one that isn't noobish.
  20. It's supposed to be noobish. And It wasn't supposed to be a fad, people just started making so many fan comics for it Also I'm not the first person to make comics like this.
  21. omgomgomg

    i forgot that :o

  22. Nidman


    ...wow I never noticed that also new blog approval because other one is a broken link
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