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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    Say what you will about the Kal Saga, but I still think this video has just about the best epic tone and some of the greatest examples of mysticism that we've seen in BIONICLE to date.
    Man, I miss Templar...
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    Today we celebrated Thanksgiving with the age old tradition of decorating a Christmas tree.
    This is the last time my sister is going to be home until she returns on Christmas Eve from Costa Rica, and we didn't want to decorate the tree without her, so I get two holidays in one today.

  3. Wrinkledlion X
    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Backwards
    4. Without a doubt
    5. That's a statement, not a question
    6. Burgundy Clouds...?
    7. I didn't
    8. Well, you are, clearly
    9. No
    10. Trivia Sections
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    One two three four five,
    Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road
    And all the way to Dublin, Whack fol la de rah!
    That's... Not a good one for BBC #51...
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