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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    If someone can find me a photo of several (Probably six) people dressed in old western clothes holding up a giant dead bird either near a barn or in the desert, I will give that person a cookie.
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    That is exactly, down to the phrasing "crystal and iron," how I had imagined the Great Beings' fortress. Exactly.
    And another coincidence: I had been planning a while ago to draw a white Makuta Teridax...
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    Well, unfortunately I've been unable to complete my current epic because of all that's been going on recently- What with deaths in the family, illnesses, Christmas, my birthday, etc. I had been hoping to finish it by the end of the year, but I guess not.
    So I'll continue it.
    I have an idea for another epic that I'd like to write soon, as well.
    Featuring a Vatuka as a main character.
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    For those of you unaware, this is Bara Magna.
    Isn't it beautiful?
    Yes it is.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Now, after looking around a bit you may notice the body-parts of a Great Spirit scattered through Bara Magna. There's a leg west of Tajun, a piece in Iron Canyon, and of course Skull Mountain itself. (Being the coolest tribe, the Skrall get to have the coolest body part in their territory.) Also notable are "Elbow Peak," possibly a body part south of the Hot Springs, and what may be fingers east of Tesara. (Until an official name is given, I'll refer to this Great Spirit as "Rua Nui," which is Maori for "Great #2.")
    My thoughts on the subject are that Rua Nui and Mata Nui are the "two that must make the three into one." Previously "the two" was a bit of a problem for theorists, but it all seems to be pretty clear now. I don't know why he crashed on Bara Magna, but I have a feeling it was 100,000 years ago, as that would make for a pretty cataclysmic disaster. If I were a Vorox I would totally regress.
    Your guess as to why he crashed is as good as mine. Maybe his "AI" was a bit buggier than Mata Nui's, and the Makuta inside him (If he even had any) took a more direct approach in taking down their Great Spirit. By just letting him die, maybe. Maybe they weren't quite as clever as Makuta Teridax.
    Speaking of Mata Nui, though, that silhouetted figure definitely appears to be wearing an Ignika. Just saying.
    Anyways, some other things on the map that interest me:
    The Sea of Liquid Sand- Could boats go on it? Could graboids live in it? The prospect of abandoned domes inside Rua Nui's body- Are ruinous, sideways islands still in there? Those weird spikes west of Vulcanus- Probably not too significant, but still... What are they? That purty UDD compass rose The fact that Roxtus is situated right on Rua Nui's chin- Do the Skrall have a nice view? So yeah, 2009's looking up. I hope we stay on Bara Magna a long time. The whole location shown right here is bigger than all of the Matoran Universe from 2001-2008, so I imagine we'll be here a while.
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    I just got Rickrolled so hard.
    On a highly related topic:
    If you're ever so mad at somebody that this ( :angry: ) is worthless, this ( ) just doesn't cut it, and this is insufficient, use this.
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