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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Quote from the topic on the new pictures. "Scrummy" is my new word.
    Also, it's strange how with these weird set pictures LEGO releases, their best sets are always the worst-looking. Skrall, Strakk, and Vorox look awful here, but the other finished pictures make them look incredible.
    Also, I hope Gresh has a two-mode weapon. It looks awesome both ways.
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    Three new drawings:

    Ikri Fotonov, Soviet Revolutionary and Lard Extraordinaire.
    I think the picture pretty much speaks for itself, so I'm not going to elaborate.

    A strange old bird-man from the same dream as the Boaralonoceros over here.
    While fleeing from the Boaralonoceros, my cousin and I sought refuge in an old disgusting wooden shack. In the backyard there was a little pen on the lawn, and underneath a tarp there was this guy. We knew that he was very wise, so we asked for his financial advice. (The entire dream was all about my cousin's financial problems, really.) I don't really remember what he said, but we got chased away by the monster and had to run down the main street.

    This isn't from a dream or anything, I just got the image in my head one day and I thought it seemed very cool. The "head" is very vaguely inspired by a Triops' tail.
    I call it the "Worm-Walker."
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    People always ask me about my drawings "Did you draw that by hand?" and "Is that traced?" and I always think "Why would I ever want to do that?" and "That's the most boring thing imaginable."
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I love Skrall's mask, and you can see the new head-piece on Malum. Also, these backgrounds are turning out to be as interesting as the Slizers'. What's that little millipede-thing to the right of Tarix's pic? And there are some weird Strakk-esque Glatorian in Strakk's background.
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