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That Green Gentleman

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by That Green Gentleman

  1. Thanks!!! Now I'm so happy. But your still supposed to be dead, are you a ghost?
  2. Isn't it!? Wait *raises eyebrow* I thought you were dead? You owe me a blog!!
  3. R.I.P Here lies Norik's Prophecy, A BZP member And Weirdo And blown-up-head guy
  4. K, bye bye. Oh, can I have your blog when your dead?
  5. Hey, my life!! *cuts opens stomach and steals back life* My gf needs me to bo alive.
  6. Ugh! I don't know, um, lemme think... Oh!! Is it refering to sam as in the Dr. Suess book "Green Eggs And Ham"?
  7. There is no beyond. I say,... HUZZAH TO INFINITY AND ONE DAY, HAHA!!! Or,.... HUZZAH X+X-20+H+J+K+5+BZP+ME=HUZZAH!
  8. Sam as in....? And just another guess, Fox.
  9. Thanks Steve, you made the world a better place for animals.
  10. My gf is the best ever, she says that the song "Hot" by Avril Lavinge reminds her of me :) . I feels so wuvd . Life Is Good. So are cookies .
  11. Llamas are now in my blog: WARNING: DANGER, WATCH FOR LlAMA DROPPINGS!
  12. Am I allowed to embed videos(Content Blocks)? If so, how?
  13. Awesome, I thought that was totally a stupid choice, wow, awesome. So what, do i just take it? EDIT: It doesn't have a link I can use.
  14. Its saturday, freedom!! Thats all, except, the MOTD is, Randos!
  15. The super-hairy-flea-ridden thing on your foot? A Cat
  16. I did that, and the awnser my calculater came up with is -31. So, is it: 1. One 2. Five 3. 8 4. -31??
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