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Everything posted by Wiriamu

  1. Maybe, but he was still more successful than Benito Mussolini, who established a dictatorship in Italy years before Hitler did in Germany but who ended up little more than a figurehead as Hitler attempted to keep Italy in the Axis. The original Voltron franchise was adapted from two different Japanese anime and would have included a third, but that version was cancelled because the original Lion Voltron proved to be the most popular. With the recent Ben 10 reboot, the Galvanic Mechamorph species has been depicted in all three primary colors and all secondary colors except orange, though the blue variant was actually a suit of armor from a movie that's not considered canon.
  2. Granted, but you have it and you're stuck in the world's largest combination railroad station and train museum. I wish for world peace.
  3. IT IS NOT A TUMA! Death by sushi restaurant. Kyrehx
  4. Out comes a Bat-Panther Gargoyle. In goes Vizuna, Hawkeye, and Green Arrow.
  5. Wonder who they'd worship with no Makuta, unless THE Makuta would still exist. If Lego released a Bionicle VR game.
  6. it think both?That would be quite the feat.
  7. Granted, but this is on a scale of 1 to one million with one being the worst. I wish for the end of Nickelodeon.
  8. Agreed. Wonder what Teridax's agenda would be. If you could commission a Lego sculpture of any subject...
  9. Narmoto: It must be cast back into the fire from whence it came! Tahu: Wrong mythos bro-even if you Okotans do resemble dwarves...
  10. Another excellent installment.
  11. Yeah, it's been that way at the ones I go to as well-Kulta's gone but the others linger.
  12. Well, Star Wars Rebels' final season has been announced, and it's looking like some interesting developments will be occurring. Nothing really new so far as ships by all appearances, but still a few that have yet to be produced as models and some interesting new minifigure opportunities, including the much anticipated Bo-Katan. However, if you're more of the new Star Wars ship set variety, the trailer below might interest you:
  13. I pop out of a dimensional rift, grab the mask, and pop back in. I got the mask.
  14. Probably the Bara Magna vehicles and Vultraz. Artakha or Pre-Pit Karzahni. If you could have had a Bionicle movie or TV show based on any year's plot.
  15. Sweet work-Hewkii is nice and bulky, though I must admit I couldn't see Macku at first.
  16. On the top one, he pretty much was. Love the second one as well.
  17. Hang out with Onua underground. If Lego released a Power Rangers theme with Giant-Man style Megazord figs.
  18. He ends up being a natural who can swim circles around her. Voltron and the Megazord switch legs.
  19. Granted, but it's unplayable. I wish for Bat Ponies in season seven of My Little Pony.
  20. Well, the new season has kicked off, so I suppose we can discuss each episode as it comes out.
  21. I am glad they did not do that, but that would have been cool to see, what with the heraldic(?) symbolage with his ancestor that caused all the stuff to come millenia beforehand. Well it seems the term 'Bendu stayed'. The Old Republic flag and the being Bendu (who's nature reminds me of a physical deity of the sorts).It would have been cool, especially with how awesome armored Sauron is, but it was good that they opted not to take that route. Although now that I think about it, might have been a cool way to depict the struggle the two had when Aragorn used the palantir as seen in the books. Funny you should say that, as the Bendu was actually based in part upon Tom Bombadil. I am personally not a fan of how armored they made Sauron. Peter Jackson himself said that Sauron's appearance in the movies was inspired by his old master and first Dark Lord, Melkor / Morgoth Bauglir. The armor is really cool looking and scary, but it's not for Sauron. I imagine a lightly armored shadowy warlock (necromancer ) with eyes of fire.Well, Sauron was known for copying Melkor. Speaking of Peter Jackson, one of his big rewrites to The Hobbit was keeping Azog alive several decades longer than in the book.
  22. Your lightsaber's crystal likes me better, and demonstrates by blowing your saber up. My disintegration was mere Force illusion. My mask.
  23. I substitute you for the latest Mafia player selected for lynching. Got you.
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