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Everything posted by Wiriamu

  1. Death by antidermis overdose. Hydraxon
  2. Out comes Smaug. In go all the versions of Takua/Takanuva and Ekimu.
  3. I am glad they did not do that, but that would have been cool to see, what with the heraldic(?) symbolage with his ancestor that caused all the stuff to come millenia beforehand. Well it seems the term 'Bendu stayed'. The Old Republic flag and the being Bendu (who's nature reminds me of a physical deity of the sorts).It would have been cool, especially with how awesome armored Sauron is, but it was good that they opted not to take that route. Although now that I think about it, might have been a cool way to depict the struggle the two had when Aragorn used the palantir as seen in the books. Funny you should say that, as the Bendu was actually based in part upon Tom Bombadil.
  4. The game does not die so easily. I pursue you into the vast wastes of the Internet and bury you under a meme avalanche. My mask.
  5. Oh come on, he helped save Faramir didn't he? I would be thrilled-I've been wanting that. If a Lego Dimensions set line was announced.
  6. George Lucas at one point was going to call the Jedi the Jedi-Bendu.
  7. Sounds like a Square Enix parody of Warcraft's Lich-King. EDIT: Wyre Bash?
  8. Imagine Keetongu would have been gold. If Star Wars crossed over with Middle Earth
  9. Out comes the Element Lord of Air In goes all the versions of Onua
  10. I'm going to learn from My Little Pony and not rebel against my more beloved sibling-I just have to find a new role and everyone will love me. Sisters of the Skrall
  11. No worries-that sort of thing is very understandable-I can struggle with writing under the best circumstances, so I can only imagine how difficult something like that would be. Well, I'm a bit of a Karzahni-Artakha nut, so any reference is likely to strike my interest. If you like the idea of fitting him into your mythos, more power to you, but it's certainly fascinating on its own. I always like a good female character, and so far yours are quite enjoyable, especially Merith-she either doesn't know she works for a murderous psychopath or she's very good at coping with it. As for Almatas, my little assumption came mostly from his possession of horns and gauntlets, but then those aren't exactly exclusive are they? So does that mean that Axonn and Brutaka's companion was meant to be Botar, or someone else? Looking forward to this unfolding. EDIT: Another great couple of chapters-likin' Zartross.
  12. Looks like a pretty sick set of kits; doesn't seem to have everything, but I suppose you could probably piece together the likes of the Kaita, other combined forms, and Karzahni by color swapping the various pieces.
  13. So...how does Bionicle play into this, exactly?
  14. How many times you going to throw her in? Out comes a new female Makuta. In goes Liam Neesan.
  15. Death by meeting Tuma out in the wastelands. Artakha
  16. This story gets better and better-loving how you have these original characters while still including Order of Mata Nui members. Previously I'd assumed that Axonn and Brutaka's companion in Chapter 1 was Karzahni, but honestly it sounds more and more like Almatas is a better fit for that role.
  17. Impressive-the fingers are a bit more claw-like than the gauntlet usually appears, but for a Lego recreation this is amazing work.
  18. Early versions of the Battle at the Black Gate scene in Peter Jackson's The Return of the King featured a duel between Aragorn and a reembodied Sauron, but was felt to be too great of a departure from the source material and would have made that battle too much about Aragorn, so they swapped Sauron for a troll.
  19. Out comes Aku, the shape-shifting master of darkness. In goes Samurai Jack.
  20. jimmybob83 had a pretty convincing recreation at one point-don't know if you'd be able to get ahold of him.
  21. You get an account that only lets you watch anime footage of people eating sushi. I wish for Pacific Rim to join the MonsterVerse.
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