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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Jordboy1

  1. Well, BZP is up...back to the comedies... >:D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Alright then, I'll try to get updated, but it might take a while since the archives log people out here. =P

    3. Jordboy1


      Yeah that made it really fun to get the links and stuff for my comics and comedy topics. :P

    4. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Yeah, makes it fun to do a lot of things that require going to the archive and then posting here. =P Still getting used to the status updates apparently. xD

  2. Red Ash. That's all.

    1. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      RED ASH


      I can't wait to see what comes of this ^^

    2. Jordboy1


      I know! As soon as I saw this I was like who else would care about this....NEO! :P

    3. Blessed Blade
  3. Whoa...you live in the TARDIS? :o

    1. Steelsheen


      Well, since the TARDIS operates outside of normal time, perhaps "live" in the human sense of the word is actually confusing. It's more like my cells are in the TARDIS, viewing any and all varying timestreams throughout the galaxy and not at all in the right order... Okay, so "live" was definitely less complicated.

  4. Comicethness is upeth....huzzah!

  5. Don't feel so bad in those burning fires of lost proto...before I became an outstanding citizen I lost a bar or two from mine also. I know you can make it through those burning flames! >:o



    1. Voltex


      Lo and behold... 3 years later that's exactly what I did!

  6. The Huke to the ster!

    1. Hukster


      Haha. Nice one. :P How goes it?

  7. It's now 1-3-1-8, A&W!


  8. Yeah, I wouldn't answer DX either. :D


  9. *starts discoing*


  10. It's an inside joke between a BZP friend of mine. We both draw and it has something to do with my problem with being really good at drawing circles but I can never get a straight line.

    I just so happened to get it up when this whole stupid BZP thing started.

    However, I am actually gonna be changing it probably tonight or tomorrow, when ever I get my next chapter up, because I made a

  11. Nope....

    gave it up..I'm noly writing X-Toa right now.


  12. lol

    'tis a good song.


  13. If only peoples knew more about Vista's good side than the rep that it's been givin by people who also don't know. :P

  14. *discos in*

    Hmmmmmmmm......I now have 5,780 words....


    *discos away*

  15. That's the best song ever made by them!!!!!!

    I have it on my computer!


  16. It's now 9-3, Sierra Mist!


  17. Mata Nui chapter 19 is up!


  18. Hi.....Takua.

    Did you know that your name used to be Hahli?


  19. I hate cheese too!

    Comic 11 of Stupid People is up!


  20. Chapter 21 of Mata Nui is up!


  21. *discos in*

    Hello, welcome to BZP!

    Hope you have a great time here! :D


  22. Yeah!

    *I start discoing again, this time very wildly*


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