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Everything posted by emily

  1. I think you're thinking of Quatro bricks, not Primo/Baby bricks.
  2. Same here. He grows, but the parts he is comprised of don't change at all except in color - that's a pretty important detail, assuming that the models in the video were created based on forthcoming sets (which they almost certainly are). The Lord of Skull Spiders is much larger in the cartoon than he is as a model.
  3. So yes, the build Meiko linked to is actually playable - so thanks, Meiko! This isn't a great game, but it still holds historical value to me and it's nice to actually be able to play through it now.
  4. The wiki does have download links for build 14.4 and 15.5 - both of them have game-breaking glitches that prevent progress, though, so I'm actually going to download Meiko's version as well to see if it is any better.
  5. It goes back much further than that - as you know the Advance-LEGO relationship is long standing, but as it turns out Ghost was/is actually mostly made up of staff from SPU Darwin, LEGO's original in-house digital content developer before it went defunct in 1998.
  6. emily


    It was the weirdest feeling seeing canonization polls in S&T in 2014, nearly five years after the story's conclusion. I thought we were done with this, but I guess we may never truly be. It used to get to me a lot, but like Santa I realized that there is really no reason to take the 'officially official' story as doctrine. Let it be what you want it to be, what you love about it.
  7. Ditto... I guess it was still popular enough to make the list, though. It definitely won't win (and it shouldn't). As you said, it has no real substance. It's a very subversive song. There's the genuine, unabashed, blissful openness and acceptance, mixed carefully to make you cynically think at the same time, "wow, this is absolutely ridiculous and makes no logical sense." And you laugh at the contradiction and accept both sides to the truth.
  8. But BIONICLE is not real - it is a fictional construct made by people on our planet who do have access to knowledge Polynesian culture. And stories the world over are drawn from ideas and concepts that originate elsewhere. In 2001 BIONICLE heavily drew on Polynesian culture. This was cut back in light of the Maori lawsuit.
  9. There was a massive war over whether they could be considered legitimate sets, and no consensus was ever reached. It was confirmed that the attributed set numbers were in LEGO's database as Piraka co-packs, so I really see no reason to doubt their validity, but a lot of people felt the packaging was suspicious for diverging from the norm so much.
  10. It looks as if perhaps that one just got an extra large dosage of aqua color at the time of production.
  11. Woah, that sure is a cool looking misprint. Are there any pictures of that mask? The original guy who found it put up a picture of it with the Huna. I dunno if that was here or on the old forums, though, so the image may not still be around.
  12. Thank you for the work put into this. Downloading now, looking forward to seeing what's new.
  13. Forgot my BZP join date anniversary was a few days ago. I've now been a registered member for eight years, and successfully managed to lurk through most of it (that's why you have no idea who I am!). This got me to thinking, and I realized that I've been using the site for over ten years now. I found it quickly after the 2004 BIONICLE site update in February, so my 'real' ten year anniversary was earlier this year. Kind of weird that a site about Polynesian robot toys from a building brick company has been a part of my life for so long.
  14. Technically speaking, yes. But at the time, there was no distinction made between it and 'regular' protodermis. Protodermis was treated as a singular material until, if memory serves, somewhere in 2004-06.
  15. emily

    Well whaddaya know

    Yeah, on second thought, I'm not sure what I was thinking - the Mall of America one was established in the late 90s, if I remember correctly.
  16. emily

    Well whaddaya know

    how does this i dont even That was 2004. If memory serves there weren't even any LEGO stores at all back then. Just seasonal kiosks in some places. How does a LEGO product from before a store existed end up in the store's inventory, never mind the question of how the sets survived to be on the shelf today?
  17. There's also McDonald's ever tightening size restrictions - they give the toys with food so they don't want to be liable for kids mistaking toys for food. The Tohunga head is really chunky to discourage swallowing, and probably gappy to provide means of breathing should the piece become lodged in a child's throat. Today, though, even that piece wouldn't fly. They tend to stick with single-piece toys now, like what we got in 2006-08.
  18. Full site on the brink of launch, or else a big goof on LEGO's part.
  19. Look at MNOG and the succeeding animations again. They are shining examples of narrative construction amidst the generally standard fare BIONICLE offered.
  20. It wasn't the first draft, but certainly an early one. It was done by Lord and Miller (and was quite possibly their first draft), and they didn't join onto the project until a while in.
  21. Wherever the heck Matoran came from, presumably. But there was a really weird, arbitrary restriction on Greg's part as to saying where they came from (I think he said that he wanted to preserve an air of mystery. Because refusing to share a relatively inconsequential background detail preserves the mystery of the core story?), so we'll never know.
  22. And in the book, Hapka makes it very clear that the Toa are done after the Shadow Toa and return to the surface without confronting Makuta. Retconning that back in to the 'official' canon was something done by Greg in response to fans.
  23. Life happens, don't worry too much about it. We are all certainly happy to wait, you've contributed so much already.
  24. It's tangential to the topic at hand, but you might like to know that CheatEngine can be used to alter the speed MNOG runs at. Someone else suggested .86 speed (where 1 is default), and it has worked excellently for me.
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