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Everything posted by emily

  1. I won't counter that offer on the pen. How about this: - Toa Mata CD (color) - Variant cover comic 13 - the trading cards - TNGM for $10.00?
  2. I just noticed that you have the limited edition pen from 2001 in your BrickLink store. How does this sound: - Toa Mata CD (color) - Variant cover comic 13 - the trading cards - TNGM - the pen All for $20.00 + shipping. Would that work?
  3. I think Turaga of Force is still taking offers on everything, so you're free to claim the CD. I'd much rather it goes to someone looking for it specifically anyway. @Turaga of Force, I'll keep at my offer of $13.00 for everything I'm interested in, that now excluding the Mask of Light CD.
  4. There was another topic about the Sand Tarakava recently, this is what I posted: Mark is on YouTube, MarkOfMoD. If you're lucky you may be able to contact him there. I don't know of any other ways you might be able to. In any case, thank you very much for the instructions. I would like to build my own Sand Tarakava at some point and this will, quite obviously, make that considerably easier. EDIT: Their seems to be some sort of an issue with the instructions, at least on my end. Would it be possible for you to upload the original LXF file instead?
  5. Generally not, but recently some prototypes popped up in an eBay auction and have been floating around the community since then. I've got a few myself, but I'm afraid I'm not interested in selling them at the moment. I hope that you are able to find someone willing to sell!
  6. I'm a sucker for Kapura's conversational poetry. Everything he says is just so wonderfully romantic (in the literary sense). He goes beyond even seeing the beauty in destruction, to meld the concept with its opposite, creation, with his words. He gets that the Makuta is a fundamental force as vital to the island as Mata Nui is, the push to the pull. Of course, that mythological perspective was invalidated and decimated by the BIONICLE canon as time went on, but hey.
  7. Here's what Mark on the other BIONICLE fan site had to say about his Sand Tarakava. He is the only one confirmed to have owned one. I recall reading that other copies were given out by a retailer that somehow got a hold of them, but I would take that info with a grain of salt.
  8. If any of the cards labelled first edition are numbered 41 to 60 or 81 to 100, I would be interested in them. Fair enough on the pricing. If I could, I would like to add the TNGM from your BrickLink store to the list of things I'm interested in. In accordance with it's price, I will raise the bid for all of the things I'm interested in altogether to $13.00.
  9. I am interested in the following: - Toa Mata CD (color) - Mask of Light CD - Bohrok Kal and Rahkshi CDs (excluding Vorahk and Turahk, if applicable. I know that the Rahkshi CDs have the wrong staffs on them but I don't remember which ones were switched for which) - Variant cover comic 13 - Mask of Light Toy Fair 2003 Flyer - Possibly the trading cards. Could you check to see what you have? I'm mostly interested in cards from the booster packs, not the theme decks, but if the cards are marked first edition and are from the Tahu/Kopaka or Gali/Pohatu decks, that would be great too. Is $10.00 an unreasonable offer for all of that? Not to encroach on UngluedBike's offer, but I would be interested in the pens too if for whatever reason the trade between you two doesn't work out.
  10. This deserves some acknowledgement. Like, seriously. Congratulations on a most impressive lurking record. You're my role model.
  11. They were included in the Kanohi packs in very small quantities - save perhaps the misprints, they were the hardest to find. The infected Kanohi had to be hand-painted, the cost of which limited their distribution.
  12. I've seen a few attempts to recreate MetalBeard's film appearance around the net, but they've all fallen short of total accuracy by a significant measure. I looked back through the film and determined all of the differences, created an LDD model, ordered the parts I needed, and got to building. And the back There are a ton of minute differences between the film version and the final set, so I won't attempt to cover them all in text. Suffice to say most of the changes seem to be in the interest of stabilization and economy of parts. His right foot, peg leg, and back are the only parts constructed completely differently, but there are tiny changes throughout the model. If your interested in seeing everything in more detail, here's the LXF: This is the link to the LXF I just mentioned I believe I used the wrong color for the light grey parts in the LDD model, my bad. If you want to try your hand at building the model physically, note that there are a few parts that don't exist in the correct colors. The gears atop MetalBeard's shoulders should be dark grey, but only come in light grey. The chain from his chest to his shark arm should be metallic. I'm also fairly certain that the brackets holding his treasure chest are supposed to be gold. And that's all there is to say, I suppose. Arg!
  13. Here you go, clicking it should pull up a bigger image:
  14. I'm pretty sure the copies I have saved on my computer are ripped straight from the CD, but they're in WMA format, weirdly. I'll see if it's possible to rip them in a lossless format and come back with the results. EDIT: Here we go, WAV format. Enjoy!
  15. I could not agree more. I understand that there are plenty of people that enjoy the entirety of BIONICLE, and I respect and appreciate that. I don't believe that there is anything inherently "wrong" with the later years, but their aesthetic diverges greatly from what BIONICLE originally was and, for me, it just isn't appealing. I'm not going to make some silly claim that 2001-2003 is objectively better, or that it was perfect in every way. But it did cater to what I look for in a story - a world created with care and brought to life by making it three-dimensional and multifaceted. the Mata Nui online game made the culture and the people of the island feel real and relate-able, and brought you to be invested in the Tohunga's story as a result. We didn't get that later on, or at least not in precisely the same way. What BIONICLE was fundamentally changed, and while that isn't really a bad thing I just don't personally find the new BIONICLE appealing. It has it's own set of strengths that, understandably, aren't going to sell it or make it uniquely special to everyone. Just as with 2001-2003. I personally am totally behind the idea of Mata Nui being a robot, but I think it is worth considering that, in a certain way, whether or not it was planned from the beginning doesn't matter. The truth about Mata Nui was something behind-the-scenes and didn't have much bearing on how things were presented in the early years versus the later years. Just because the plan was for Mata Nui to be a giant robot all along doesn't mean that it doesn't fit with BIONICLE's original tone from some perspectives.
  16. I can help a little here. Let me know if you find anything else out about QFTM - I am just as eager to know! They were only in the Special Edition Packs - if you look on eBay, the packs will still sometimes pop up on there. The catch is that the packs containing the Lewa card were distributed in large quantities at LEGOLAND California during the BIONICLE Bash, while the others were only distributed at, as far as I know, various conventions at which Upper Deck had a presence. I bought two special edition packs from two different sellers at one point, and both ended up being Tahu - so if you want to trade for one, I'm all for it. I'm missing a lot of cards from the standard QFTM booster packs still. By first forty cards, do you mean the ones from the theme decks? I have copies of all three theme decks that are not first edition. I've yet to see any Special Edition Packs taht are not first edition, though. I'm pretty sure I've seen non-first edition Rahi Challenge cards on eBay, but all of mine are first edition. As for Toa Nuva Reconstruct, I'm fairly certain that the three theme decks are all there is to it. It's not even really a trading card game, the way the game works and the cards included make no sense in the context of trading to build a deck. It's just a game that uses cards, in the same vein as Uno. Upper Deck was sort of phasing out their BIONICLE stuff at that point and I don't think they would've done any promotions. Sorry I can't offer any more info!
  17. I've been a member since 2006, and have visited the site on a practically daily basis since 2004, and I've not even broken 1,000 posts yet. I'm absurdly introverted. It doesn't help that I'm only really interested in the first three years of BIONICLE, and older LEGO themes. There isn't, understandably, much discussion regarding topics so far gone.
  18. Whatever you can find on Wayback is probably your best resource. I would assume he posted some on the other BIONICLE fan site that he was on the staff of back in the day, but their original forums are long gone. I don't believe that he has posted anywhere else regarding BIONICLE or the cancelled game.
  19. So very excited to be reading this! It's just one of those "oh yeah, that makes sense" moments. It is very easy to see how the MNOLG finale was adapted from the final level very closely, all the way up to the Toa powering up and shooting giant blasts at the Makuta. That also makes sense of Onua's random green energy in MNOLG's adaption. It was a translation of the green vuata berry energy that he uses in the PC game in stead of more logical earth powers. Perhaps the other Toa, with abilities that translated better into ranged attacks, had elements as you would expect instead of green lasers in the game.
  20. I think I'll try a new name.

  21. Early teasers for Mask of Light mentioned that a central plot point was the mysterious crumbling of Mata Nui into the ocean. It seems like, at the beginning, LEGO was considering pulling the big reveal of Mata Nui's true nature in the film. In that case, Takanuva summoning the Matoran is a relic from a draft where all of the islanders would have had to be in the Mangaia in order to survive Mata Nui's emergence. That also explains why everyone keeps babbling on about awakening Mata Nui "today." Originally they actually were going to do that.
  22. Oh, neat! Count me in and sign me up. I'll shoot you a PM once I've had a little time to conceptualize a way to execute the idea.
  23. I can confirm that what Bfahome says of the original BIONICLE clock is also true of the Tahu Nuva one. The pins should be tan, if it makes a difference.
  24. This is an extremely ambitious project, but there's no doubting the finished product you have envisioned is highly impressive. When it comes to MNOLG I'm absurdly purist, and to be honest I believe I will always choose the original over anything else; pixelated skyline and all. I even like to call the game by its original, somewhat confusing name, Mata Nui, but I try not to too much. After all, there are already two things named Mata Nui to keep track of! But regardless of all of that I really do think that this is a fascinating endeavor and I definitely would love to see how it all comes out. The packaging mockup on the Spherus Magna site looks wonderful, what with the careful details such as Takua's descent on the case's spine and the Mangaia portal's opening aligned with the hole at the center of the disc. But more importantly, the new art for the beach and sky look excellent and mesh wonderfully with the aesthetic Templar adopted as the game went on. Even if I might prefer the original just for being the original, I can't deny that your improved version of the beach is great and makes me want to see more. As far as questions, I would certainly be interested to hear how this concept is coming along in development. Is there any more info you can share at this time? If you want to include, like, a bonus feature focusing on the development of MNOLG with the disc, I could totally create something like that.
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