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Year 17


About Kakaru

  • Birthday 03/30/1994

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  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    hi im useless

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  • LEGO.com Account

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Mata Nuian Protector Nuva

Mata Nuian Protector Nuva (135/293)

  1. Kakaru

    Studio Comic

    All good things end so why not not end things good, a girl once said, . Chapter Nineteen: Tom Cruise more like Tom Snooze Thanks for reading, it's been cool. You know where to find me.
  2. jen i was going to make a custom meme for the 10 day anniversary of your birthday happening this year but I found a great picture of a corgi instead I hope your birthday was good I love you
  3. I'd like to add that I've reported everyone in this thread, including myself
  4. MIAMI CREMATION SERVICES Is your dearly departed taking up space? Do you know someone in need of a leave of absence... for good? Here at Miami Cremation Services we have hotlines open 24 hours to help you take care of business with the professionalism and discretion your loved ones deserve. (I got raspberry syrup all over my photosetup and my toothbrush making the splatter effect.)
  5. Kakaru

    Heck! Heck!

    final pool is up go vote aw dang boy
  6. Kakaru

    Studio Comic

    I feel like the text obscures the joke which is unfortunate The National Monument has the same iron content by volume as a single box of cereal, and also a steel factory Chapter sixteen: Sail with me into the dark
  7. Kakaru

    Studio Comic

    I brought back an old character, hopefully nothing will be loss in translation Chapter fifteen: The classic three-key-combo
  8. 9 and 10 were both great, but the latter felt more fitting for the theme.
  9. Kakaru

    Studio Comic

    oops it's been a year anyway Remember the movie "Escape from New York"? It's like that except if everything was different, including the plot and also New York Chapter fourteen: more like Thomas DEAD-ison haha
  10. did I mention how excited I was when I saw your name finally show up on the entry list This is great man, you nailed the iconic visual of Papyrus perfectly. The build is clean, concise, and a lot of fun. You've got my vote for sure!
  11. I like the localized color-- The red in the mouth draws the eye in and makes the dark mass of the body more alien. The cluster of teeth on the lower jaw also helps distinguish this as a "world-eater" sort of monster as opposed to a more generic t-rex analogue, which I feel is a nice touch. Best of luck in the contest!!
  12. ~The Groundskeeper~ “Though their appearance is often frightening, gourd-sprites are benign plant creatures, generally held in service by prestigious families as caretakers. They are tasked with tending to the local shrubs, caring for family pets, and keeping malevolent forest spirits at bay. A well-kept gourd-sprite is loyal, practical, and can stay in a family’s service for upwards of 200 years.”
  13. oh i remember this
  14. this is the worst comment I've ever seen because I made an amazing gun for it and I didn't take pictures before I gave it away Thank you!! Old HG kits were definitely of... debatable quality.
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