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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Kakaru

  1. Kakaru


    The book was distinctly more horrific. I think people dislike it because it tried to capture the terror in the book while still adapting it for kids, and the tone really clashed. #my impression anyways
  2. It's easy to become emotionally detached from an account-- to rationalise, to decentralise, to marginalize, but nothing matches the pure terror of being so intimately and immediately associated with something so wrong and so terrible that your mind cannot deny it. You feel the webs spread across your vision as you try to focus on the comfort of the yellow streetlight outside, but the longer you stare at it, the darker it becomes. You realise how empty it really is, how little power it has to help you. So you lie in your bed, clutching your pillow like a physical construct of the friends you never really had, pretending that it's that friend you wanted, the one you made to keep you company because they were the one who were always and could always be there for you; even when everyone else laughed, said it was ridiculous to have imaginary friends, or even said they weren't real. How ###### dare they. They were real to you. They talked to you, helped you, cared for you, in a way that nobody else bothered to because they were too busy laughing at you, rationalising your problems and quirks through cold words and calloused laughter to make themselves feel better. Yes, that's ridiculous of you to talk to your own friends when there are real people around, isn't that so funny. Don't you feel stupid? Come join us real people who will hate you and demean you for everything you do. Why wouldn't you want to join us? Why don't you understand the real world? Why won't you just admit that your imaginary friends aren't real and that they're all so childish and can't help you at all? Maybe because they did help, ###### those ######s. Maybe because they were there for us when you weren't. Maybe because they're not just a thing for children, they're a thing for everyone like us who feel so terrified and alone around other people that it's the only hope we have of not living and dying alone. Maybe because, to us, they are real. Because we care about them, like we want to believe that others care about their friends. No no no, that's just what you want to tell everyone, but you know you never can. You go over this in your mind on a daily basis but you know it's not going to help because they really won't ever listen. They may pretend to listen, but they'll mock you for it behind your back, justify the things that make them uncomfortable, arguing instead of comforting. So you don't bother trying to talk because they hate you for it, because they get defensive about your own life even when its none of their business. But then, none of that matters, does it? You're still trapped in your room in the very immediate present. So you lie there for hours, wanting to cry to yourself because you're hearing sounds in the night. They're not normal sounds that you can justify as creaking floorboards or the wind or any of that ###### that people love to tell you. It's the voices. Not inside your head like people like to imagine it, those clever ###### mental issues that everyone jokes about. They're always outside, other things talking to you when you know they shouldn't. And you hear them now, that murmuring, whispering on the other side of the wall. That terrifies you, because your bed is pressed up against that wall and no matter what you do, you can only hear that whispering where you know no whispering should be. Nobody else is in the house, nobody else is awake, nobody else sleeps in that room. Ignorant ######s try to explain it away with any number of ###### excuses, but you know what you heard, and you know there's no explanation for it, not really. There's something in that room, something that should not be. Speak of demons and eldritch abominations all they like, but there's something deeply wrong here, and the terror floods your mind because you know that whatever it is, it's right on the other side of that wall, and there's nothing you can do but lie quietly and hope it leaves. You know that if you checked there wouldn't be anything there. No, that's what you hope. When you were younger, braver, you would go to check, and there would be nothing there. But things change. You're not so sure that there's nothing in that room because the dread in your stomach says that there is an inseparable amount of real, physical closeness and presence between you and that room, and there is definitely something talking in there that should not be. So you hold your best friend tightly, because it's all you can do. You don't want to die alone.
  3. Kakaru


    Oh man I knoooow I came back to college and it's frustrating that nobody else can really understand what that weekend was like and how important it was for me and uuuugh also that water bottle isn't mine I just got it from the cupboard
  4. Kakaru


    Train and town guys are awesome. kbye
  5. [Following: Debrief log dictated by hostage [C33256.002] from 00.19.00 deviation from sector Beta e464.0000- n0213.0010 from orbital base Deimos over 00.14.00 x 04.18.00, Solar universal 0080 CST, marginal deviation Sector Gamma and Maintenance Crew Member [FT2o665.099] of Aries Construction Drone 009413 Class-R, Salvage and Repair Division.] [FT2o665.099]: This is just for the records. Nobody actually listens to these reports, so say whatever you want. [C33256.002]: You always expect things to go right, and when something goes wrong you wish you could take back all those decisions, but you know you just have to deal with it. That's what we're doing here. So when I reboot the power, just tighten the valves under the left console and we'll get the beacon back up. It's that easy. I'll be right back. That's exactly what she said, it's hard to forget. The hatch wound shut behind her before I could respond. That's what really haunts me. She knew she wasn't coming back and didn't make a big deal out of it. Who does that? I didn't think about it at the time, how she acted, but when the beacon came back on and I just sat there by the console waiting for her to come back; I thought about everything she did, the way she refused to look away, the way she didn't hesitate to climb out into the vacuum, and I began to doubt that I'd see her again. So many things can go wrong out there, you know? And now it just makes me sick, I want to cry. So then I kept thinking, because that's all I could do, just floating out there and waiting for someone to answer. She had her visor on, but she was looking me straight in the eye and said she was coming back, didn't even flinch or anything. Maybe she wanted part of me to doubt, maybe she just wanted me to stay together long enough to make sure her work didn't go to waste, I guess? Well it worked. [FT2o665.099]: Did you do anything else? You were passed out by the airlock when we boarded your ship. [C33256.002]: I remember getting up and going back to that door and sort of hoping I would bump into her and everything would be fine. I tried the lock, then I looked through the window and I saw the hose from her welding equipment wrapped around the handle. She welded the stupid door shut after her to make sure I understood that it wasn't an accident. [FT2o665.099]: That's why we had to cut it open? [C33256.002]: Right. And you know how the radio frequencies get all screwed up between the sub-transcopic fields when you're out on the hull like that? Well most people don't realise that you can still hear the end transmission click even over the silence. That little energy flare? That makes it through. So as I see what she did to the door, I hear that click from the radio on my hip. It's the end transmission thing, so I don't know when it started, right? For all I know, she had it taped down, talking to me the entire time, even though she knew I couldn't hear. Like, I think I know what that meant, but there's no way to be sure, is there? That's when I lost it. I just broke down, started crying. I couldn't do anything else, I didn't want to think about it. I still don't. [[C33256.002] pauses] [C33256.002]: This isn't a horror story or anything, it's not like I saw her body floating out there, all blue with the ruptured veins and gore like you hear stories about. I don't really know what happened to her. Look, the ship's down in your cargo bay, go ahead and tear it down if you like. She's not there. She just finished the job and pushed off. She's gone. I guess it's not a bad way to go, it just scares me, thinking about how she just treated it like one more thing on her to-do list to get me back home. Like, she didn't even care about what she was giving up, she didn't give me this big sacrifice speech and a grand goodbye, she just said she'd fix it and be right back and she knew she woudn't. I just can't get over that, I just-- was there something else to it? I'm just sitting here, and I think about what she did and what she said, and I don't know. [[C33256.002] unclips the transmitter from her belt] [C33256.002]: Here, here's my radio. I don't need it. [FT2o665.099]: Thanks for your time. [C33256.002]: Not that it matters. [Mission report from the maintenance crew of Aries Construction Drone 009413 Class-R, Salvage and Repair Division, pending file of anomaly in mission field: sector Beta e464.0000- n0213.0010 from orbital base Deimos.] [Class of incident: Abandoned ship/homing signal/salvage operation: T45, GT77, R1a.] [Expected compensation: None.] [Materials recovered and estimate value: Hostage, n/a.] [Reason for deviation: Homing beacon Aa885 activated 00.19.00 (estimate) deviation from standard return route.] [Estimate time: 00.11.00 x 04.10.22, Solar Universal 1900 CST, margin deviation Sector Beta.] [Time completion: 00.00.12.] [Materials used: Welding torch, 00.01.45 mmcs oxygen. Two crew members, 00.00.12 mmcs oxygen. 1a rations. 1 c-sep receptor for stasis pod.] [Estimated time return: 00.14.00 x 04.18.00, Solar universal 0080 CST, marginal deviation Sector Gamma.]
  6. Kakaru

    It's my Dad's Birthday

  7. Kakaru


    Hat is a pretty strong word.

    1. Kakaru



  9. In this case, I think the source is referring to Kotaku, the gaming news site, not a member. If multiple members reported this, it would be his choice to either credit "BZPower Members" or the source site. It looks like he just chose the latter.I'd like to make the obligatory "needs a Stay-Puft Marshmallow ghost to scale" comment, but I think that would do a disservice to all the effort the creator has put into this model already. I wish I had a copy of the movie on-hand just so I could compare all the gadgets and miniscule details in every room. This really is a fantastic achievement.
  10. I'm not sure that any additional bulk was needed, nor could it have been added without confusing the design. In the end it came down to Pájaro and Eris, as everyone else said, but Eris was far more clean and elegant.
  11. Gosh. Sectoid Mantodea was absolutely fantastic, but I really had to go with Vadalan for a very tight and well-executed design.
  12. I wanted to self-vote in the spirit of my past BBC competitions, but I couldn't skip over Kuma-Akuma in good conscience....the panda gets my vote.
  13. why did it have to come down to Brickthing and Oblivion's whyyyIn the end, TIGERMANN had some absolutely brilliant techniques and fit the theme a bit better, so I had to go with it. (ack I know I'm sorry Oblivion because your design was so clean and slick and I wanted to vote for both :C)
  14. All of these were well done, but Bunda's was the most distinct anthromorph here.
  15. Any of Karzahni's creations.Or the Morbuzahk? That was the most horrifying way to kill anything, even a sentient plant.
  16. Be all you hoped for; you were the best you could be -

  17. I'm already noticing a theme in these questions. I feel like there's a vast conspiracy here.
  18. It's important to me. The members and the site as a whole have been a part of who I am for as long as I can remember anything significant. I hope I'm a part of this site until its membership fades and it becomes a ghost forum of the past.also I've tried to quit but that's not gonna work anymore since I have a job here
  19. uuuuuuuuuuuuugh all the food I have needs an additional ingredient to make work properly and I don't wanna go shopping because the drive is a pain guess I'm not getting anything done today also you should still send me questions for the BZPodcast because that's a thing that's happening soon
  20. Kakaru


  21. Kakaru

    The Ambage

    I think noir in general would make a really nice anthology with a lot of atmosphere.As for the rest of the Ambage features, I'm sure you know how I feel. Points and ranks don't mean a whole lot and distract from our purpose, despite how people felt about them in the past. The prizes for the contests are nice, however. I feel like the fortnightly challenges are separate from the writeoffs and function like normal contests, so that's a good thing. No prizes or additional incentives should be sued for writeoffs, however. There's no need to turn everything into a competition.
  22. OHMGOSH ARPY HII can't believe you're still around and alive and everything and you still build better than nearly everyone on this site. C:Also great MOC too I guess? Throwbots always need more love, and merging it with frogspace just makes it even better and the colour scheme is rad too.okay byeee~
  23. Entry name: The LeechmanEntry picture: HereEntry Topic: n/aI can't believe that I actually went through with this. Too late to turn back now I guess?(Also sorry for the awful picture. I did what I could but the only camera I have access to is my iPad.)
  24. Keep it up, Boss! We all super-appreciate the work you put into keeping our site up and running.
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