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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Kakaru

  1. I'm good with nothing. As practically everyone else has said, a like system stifles actual discussion, and most of the time if someone simply wants to agree with a post, they will find a way to add more to their post. That's sort of how proper discussion works in real life too.And as far as a positive rating system, we already have the stars on a member's profile (which we're aware does absolutely nothing and nobody cares about) and the proto system, which is a far more tangible system with actual guidelines and junk that's sanctioned and maintained by the staff. So that's a big no on both counts. I've seen other forums that have implemented the feature and it does exactly what we're worried about happening here. Members start spamming topics with snappy replies and cat pictures to get more "likes" or a more positive reputation. I think a genuine positive reputation culled by your words and actions in the minds of members is worth far more than a bunch of likes on your picture of a cat.
  2. Keep in mind that the cost includes the parts and how much the creator paid to obtain them from bricklink or other sources, the material required to produce and assemble the instructions and packaging (that's a fair amount of colour ink), the actual time spent sorting the parts into individual packages, not to mention theffort designing the model in the first place, then a little bit of actual profit on top. $40 is a very reasonable price for a custom model at this size. This is all taking into account that it's his only model for sale at this time, and he's not even trying to make a large profit on this because it's not a business. This model, produced and sold by the guys over at Brickmania, costs $25 on its own and has limited appeal to historic collectors.That said, I understand that $40 may be a little steep for you individually, but objectively speaking, the price is actually quite good for a custom model of this size.
  3. Kakaru

    Zetsuen no Tempest

    Basically this entire entry, though more specifically because you mentioned the only two anime I'm currently watching. Scary.
  5. Kakaru

    Zetsuen no Tempest

    That's frightening on a whole different level. ...Zetsuen No Tempest and Sword Art Online are the only two anime I've been keeping up with lately.
  6. Kakaru

    and so

    All I got from that is that you think your name is bonesiii, which it isn't. Typo or sarcasm?
  7. This is the best answer here, pretty much. However, I'll also say this: Makuta didn't have control over the Kal to begin with, they were Bohrok. He just manipulated them indirectly (by using his Sonics power to set off the awakening signal, probably) to stall the Toa Nuva.Ah, this is a good point that I had entirely missed. Meta-Mind is correct, since the Bohrok were actually tools to cleanse the island of Mata-Nui before the Great Spirit's awakening, they weren't actually controlled by the Makuta, merely influenced in a way. The Bohrok had their own purpose to serve apart from the Makuta.
  8. Kakaru

    and so

    That last entry came off as far more whiny and self-pitying than I intended so I basically over-analyzed the junk out of it to figure out why I posted it since I'm not into the whole phishing-for-pity gimmick, and i think I rooted out the point I was trying to make: I'm not complaining that I have nothing to do over the weekend. I'm sure plenty of people are in the same situation and their life probably sucks worse than mine. I'm not complaining that I have to work. Plenty of other people do too, and they have longer shifts, worse jobs, pay, haven't seen their family in years, etc. They're the one who are making sure our utilities and functional systems are still around when we come back over the weekend. Props to them. (Extra special thanks to everyone serving in the military right now who can't afford a break. Doesn't matter what military. Kudos to you guys.) I knew this was coming and didn't ask for the days off. My work is actually decent and everyone seems to appreciate the effort I put in to make the store look nice and to help customers. And I'm certainly very glad that I have a job in the first place. I'm not complaining that all I'm going to do is look at cats online, play Mass Effect 3, or eat a turkey hot pocket (and maybe even get a little extra homework done). I'm glad I have the time and capability to do those things, and I'm happy that I have the resources to buy, cook, and eat that hot pocket, and I'm especially happy that I have a working computer, console, TV, and especially my sketch tablet which is totally rad. Here's what my entire entry boiled down to. I mean, at the core of that entire pitiful, entitled mess, here's what I was really trying to say: My light is broken and makes my entire room seem derelict and horrid. It's annoying me because I can't figure out how to fix it. That's all I was really trying to say. I locked the other entry but I'm leaving it up so that these two can serve as a contrast when I look back on these in a couple years if I'm foolish enough to necromance my old blog entries again. MY LIGHT IS BROKEN GUYS FEEL BAD FOR ME
  9. That's an interesting idea. However, I once asked Greg why the Makuta didn't simply shapeshift into a form that the Toa Mahri trusted to kill them all.His response was something to the effect of "why would Makuta want them dead?"The thing is that when talking to Vakama, Makuta once said: "There are a thousand ways I could destroy you right now. And 941 of them hurt."The Makuta is practically the endgame to every other life form in the entire Bionicle multiverse. He didn't need any help to destroy any of the Toa, he could have done that in any number of ways at any time if he wanted to. He chose not to, because his plan to supersede Mata Nui's body required the Toa to be alive to deliver the mask back to its proper place so that he could take over at the critical moment.He didn't merge the Kal because it would have been just another minor minion that the Toa would beat. All it would be to Makuta is a distraction for them. Makuta wanted control of Mata Nui. That was his ultimate plan. Killing the Toa wouldn't be a priority until they actively started messing with the order of events he had set in place to bring about Mata Nui's awakening.Hope that makes sense.
  10. Kakaru

    Who do I write like?

    I'm consistently getting H.P. Lovecraft and Douglas Adams as I input the stories with vocal styles influenced directly by them. I think I'm okay with this.
  11. Basically everyone else in my entire college has gone home since we got the entire week off class for Thanksgiving, and I'm still sitting around the empty college because my job scheduled me to work this entire week. Another family that I've know for a while invited me to Thanksgiving dinner with them because they knew I'd be alone this entire time, but since I have to work all day that's right out the window. Oh, and the fluorescent light in my room has all but gone out, so it's super dark and grim and sucky. So Thanksgiving will be spent in a dark little room by myself when I'm not busy working and avoiding human contact all day (because seriously, a holiday before a major sales event in retail? Just kill me now.). On the bright side, I get my paycheck tomorrow, which should be just enough to cover the cost of gas and groceries until my next paycheck. Maybe I'll splurge to buy myself a turkey hot pocket to celebrate. Oh wait, I guess I can play videogames and look at cat pictures online. Best Thanksgiving ever.
  12. Kakaru

    on caps

    Woah guys we should start a club I always use my right pinkie finger to hold down shift and let up for punctuation and junk
  13. Kakaru

    on caps

    WHAT. NO. I DON'T USE CAPS LOCK. I THOUGHT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE A TRAINING KEY FOR RETARDS. A training key? MAYBE ALSO FOR GIRLS. FOR WHEN THEY GET HYSTERICAL AND MAKE THEIR LETTERS SHOUT. Ok, got it. Really great theories there. So... how do you usually type then? JUST. NEVER MIND. Hang on. Are you saying you hold down shift with one hand, while hunting and pecking for all the letters with the other?
  14. Maybe it wasn’t so much the look of the things that caught her attention, she had told herself years ago, but rather the stories behind the objects. She said this often to dispel the unsettling feeling that what inevitably drew her to these shops was genuine romantic nostalgia, a feeling found often in the worn and tattered edges of quilts and the painted smiles of wooden figurines.

    1. They


      lick the sky?

  15. And I left myself a note before the boards went down. You know the rules and so do I. A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of, You wouldn't get this from any other guy. I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling, Gotta make you understand… Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down, Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, Never gonna say goodbye, Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. I hate myself
  16. Black Six I just want to say that right now you are my favourite person ever
  17. This is what my notes from practically every one of my classes look like, excluding the one time I fell asleep with my finger on the delete key. I hate myself sometimes.
  18. Ah, no worries. I understood that this was a "writing for the sake of it" piece from the start, I just thought I'd give you some pointers for future reference. Not everything I said needs to apply to this story, they're just general writing tips. Since this is a stress reliever, don't worry about making it a masterpiece. It's not worth it if you're just writing between classes and homework.I understand what you mean about the intro. The thing is, it's that sort of ambiguity that annoys me about those hooks in the first place. I've written my fair share of them, and they could all be used interchangeably with no noticeable difference. The fact that you could simply pull it from another epic tells me all I need to know. Again, don't worry about it. It wasn't bad per se, it's just a personal vendetta of mine.If you've got an outline and a good idea for your characters, I'd love to see where you take this one. However, as stated before, be careful of simply telling and not showing. If it's backstory, dialogue is fine to an extent, but we need to understand how that story has shaped who the character is today, and we need to actively see that influence in their action, speech, and mannerisms. Dialogue from your characters is only a step more credible than author exposition. The most reliable form of communicating any kind of story, again, is through actions. It's a human trait to trust what we see happen, physically, over what someone says happens. To clarify, I'm not saying that dialogue should be avoided. It's a good technique when used in context: make sure your character is in a position where it would be natural to reveal this information in casual conversation. If it turns into exposition it starts to feel stilted and awkward, like meeting someone on the street who begins to pour out their tragic life story to you when you ask them what's up. I don't know how much you're planning to reveal, but do it in small pieces to develop your characters. There's no shame in keeping information from your readers to make a more intriguing character. When executed properly, people will want to know why your characters act the way they do, and this mystery will keep them reading to find out why.The most important element in any story is a question: Who is the murderer? Why are the aliens here? What does the mysterious caller want? How will the two lovers ever get back together? Make sure the question is essential to the plot, the driving force behind the entire story, make the reader understand why it's critical and why they and the characters must know. If the stakes are high and the characters strong, the question can become an incredible plot device.Keep asking yourself questions as an author. Question your character's motivation. Question their decisions. There is always a reason for everything that makes them tick, and the deeper the questions go, the more your character will develop. Play the game we all used to annoy our siblings and parents with: Why? Ask yourself why your character does what they do. When you give yourself that reason, ask why again. Then ask it again. Soon you will get to the core of your character, and once you resolve the questions for yourself, you will have a far better understanding of them and their impact on your story as a whole. An excellent overview of character development as a plot device is given in James Scott Bell's Plot and Structure, a good book to pick up and flip through if you see yourself writing anything else to any real degree. Even as a casual writer years ago, I found this book incredibly helpful.wow I just keep on rambling don't Iit's like I have all these totally unaired grievances at practically everybody and I'm just spewing them out at nobody in particular because I've never gotten the chance to tell anyone else
  20. guess who made new masks for the low-level staffies that's right Jason did
  21. Kakaru

    O BZPower

    this thing is kickin'
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