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Status Updates posted by Voxumo

  1. Need a few more people, thought you might be interested. http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/24143-bzps-game-of-thrones-season-2 *Whispers* Stone region is best region clearly.

    1. Chro


      i have no idea how the game works and i'm liable to go inactive again, but have fun with it

  2. New custom made avatar... felt like a change was needed

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Voxumo


      Thanks, the dragon head you see in there was actually a complete mistake. Was taking different flame designs on sprites and put two sides together of the same sprite, and upon flipping it over that was created by accident.

    3. CeeCee


      I loved your old one but this is really nice too. Was your old one custom made?

    4. Voxumo


      Well... not really made by me, but it was one that I had commissioned

  3. Nothing is better at warming feet than a cat's back directly against the bottom of your foot

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ghidora131


      *crack* oh, sorry about your head then...

    3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Is this a bad time to mention I just pushed you over a cliff? Whoops.

    4. Ghidora131



  4. Oh crud.. i did not even realize yesterday was my Seventh year anniversary of being on Bzpower..

    1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Wow, Vox in a Box with a Fox wearing Socks!



    2. Voxumo




  5. Oh goody.. Today is the day i can change my display name since the last time i did was January 3rd

    1. Katuko


      If I may put in my two cents: You've used "Voxumo" in most of your usernames, sprinkled with various words. However, the most recognizable part of any of your usernames is indeed Voxumo, and personally I'd use just that word as my username; the same way I have with "Katuko" all these years. :)

    2. Voxumo


      Oh i plan on it. Most people on here use me as voxumo.. A vox in a box was actually a little joke of mine in reference to a MUD i play. But Yeah i always try to include voxumo in my display name


  6. Oh hey, today was my tenth year of being on bzpower... Yay. *Throws a handful of confetti in the air for effect*

  7. Oh hey, yesterday was my 11th anniversary on bzpower... neato

  8. Oh my god! I did not know that status updates had a limit of 100 replies... that is awesome that we reached it on Jakura's comment

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Go to her profile then...

    3. Voxumo


      Well then what is the point of remembering if I just look at her page? Is that not cheating?

    4. Ghidora131


      You..... CHEATER!

  9. One word: Nashandra

    1. Ghidora131


      One other word: What?

    2. Voxumo


      Firstly, Nashandra is like the 'final' boss in Dark Souls 2, secondly I plan on making an Moc of her. As far as I've been able to find, no one has done it yet. And I already have ideas in mind for the design.

  10. People will come to fear the ice pick, and through that fear respect for the ice pick will be born. And through that respect unwavering faith in the ice pick shall be created. Praise be to the Ice Pick.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      *Throws an icepick at those who deny it*

    3. Ghidora131


      *watches other ice pick fall off cliff* wow, you has terrible aim.

    4. Jakura Nuva
  11. plays a character named Kojol ab Kokoro on a game

  12. Ponders if he should change the color of his post font to something other than green

    1. Ghidora131
    2. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Bright purple with alternating caps and overuse of the word HoNk!

  13. Preference Question: When displaying your Uniters, do you prefer having them with their Golden masks or regular masks? I personally prefer their regular masks, which I find funny since on the masters I preferred their golden or drained versions better.

    1. Arzaki
    2. Voxumo


      *Sheds a single tear*

      Also it amuses me that I can remember watching that episode of Fairly odd parents when it originally came out.. Before it was memefied.

  14. Read through Escape from the Underworld... Truthfully better than expected. I rather enjoyed the world-building that went on in it.

  15. Scored an 81% on the Ultimate Bionicle Quiz 2, yay useless information!

    1. Voxumo


      And a good majority of it regarding non-canon information I had to guess at.

  16. seasons greetings from Tok, Alaska

  17. Shall not be here for the rest of the day due to internet issues.

  18. Skull Spiders ain't got nothin on Fikou

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ghidora131


      Now I'm threatened. They sound like top-op-the-line Mafia

    3. Voxumo


      You should feel threatened.

    4. Ghidora131


      Well, I did try to gut you...

  19. So did youtube do a weird update for anyone else? Specifically the video player? I was watching one video and then the next one had a really different looking bottom bar.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arzaki


      I thought mine had glitched or something, but a couple of refreshes proved me wrong.

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Yeah, I see it sometimes too. I also thought it was a bug, until it showed up on a large number of them.

    4. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      It's different, that's for sure.

  20. So I submitted my Entry for the BBC #69. Here is the topic: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/17573-nivawk-bbc-69/

    1. Ghidora131


      Not too shabby. I think it's way too humanoid, but that's partially also LEGO's fault.

  21. So, incase anyone is wonder what exactly is my avatar image, it's my BZPRPG character Chivinix, Done by Requiem/Soulemn on DA. http://fav.me/da54oko

  22. So... At the moment I am hesitantly planning on attending Brickfair Virginia 2020. Mind you, alot of shtuff can happen in between now and then, but regardless if all goes well, I'm hoping to be there in person. Will be my first trip out of Alaska since moving out on my own.

  23. So... did a binge watching of Kill la Kill this weekend. Firstly, I am love with Ragyo's theme music, secondly I'm glad I finally sat down and watched it. It was better than I expected it to be.

  24. So... how goes the final scene?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Voxumo


      No, but I had a contingency in place. *Reveals a transparent box with seemingly nothing in it. Points the lid at Ghidora and opens it.*

    3. Ghidora131


      Nobody expects... The Spanish inquisition!

      (Spanish inquisition starts to happen thanks to terrible pun timing)

    4. Chro


      I've decided to post the results of the game and save the scene for... whenever I finish it.

  25. Someone is a fan of Slightly ######.

    1. Voxumo


      Curse you filter! But you should know what that filtered word is.

    2. Ehksidian


      i very much do

      and you are very much right good sir

    3. Voxumo


      It is an awesome webcomic.

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