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Everything posted by Ynot

  1. Thank you for the comment, and it WAS a Happy Birthday

  2. How's about a downloadable version of MNOG II?
  3. Awesome review Is this game on anything other than PC? No, didn't think so.... So, what game you reviewing NEXT?
  4. Ynot

    Library Event Reminder

    What, CONNETICUIT! Who lives in conneticuit? Whoever you are, get...to..that..LIBRARY!!!!!!! And bring a camera
  5. Ynot

    Lego Tidus W I P

    Awesomeness, to bad i dont play FF Just not my type of game
  6. Wow, that can't be more than a two minute Photoshop job But, when I get MY car, these WAY make an appearance
  7. Awesome Review Takuma i might just go BUY Spore now! And thats BIG for me, i dont really DO computer games
  8. CHICKEN!!! Sweet and sour Burbon Orange oh, so many different flavors!!! The Chinese KNOW how to do CHICKEN!!!! unfortunatly, i DO believe that they are sneaking me CATS!!!
  9. Reponse: Yes Response: Absolutely Response: You went to New York? Response: Lack of Cow Bell, thats what! Oh, and by the way:http://fc30.deviantart.com/fs36/f/2008/264...Makuta_Ynot.jpg Observation: It's a little . . . er, LARGE. Takuma Nuva I see....better go fix that! Unfortnatly, i can't make it smaller, i only have Paint, and its blurry as is
  10. Reponse: Yes Response: Absolutely Response: You went to New York? Response: Lack of Cow Bell, thats what! Oh, and by the way:
  11. Ynot

    Bionicle And Bzp

    Pure truth in fact, i said something like this IN one of those topics Minus the Star Wars and Star Trek referances And the Epicness But anyway, Greg, YOU IS DA MAN!!!! I completely agree with you here
  12. Ynot

    Blog Q&A

    Thanks Bfa and Zeddy
  13. S.T.U.D.: And WHO is this poser? i know, it's horrible, but it's the only thing i can think of
  14. Ynot

    Lego Job Conundrum

    I know im going to sound like a dunce here, but oh well Why dont you take BOTH! Part time at Walmart AND LEGO?
  15. Ynot

    Closer To The Truth

    Lyrics look sweet Is the MP3 near completion? Unfortunatly i cant create a beat for beans, so i cant figure out what it 'sounds' like til i HEAR it
  16. Ynot

    Blog Q&A

    i dont think this is right, i can't SEE the image
  17. Correction: Bacon is awesomeness for everything. -Omi Depending on how used NOTHING IMPROVES LIVER!!!!!!! I hope you aren't saying together. o_O;;; -Nikira Well, i've had it, it's pretty good OH MY GOD. DO WANT. I hate you BACON!!!!! Hunger....
  18. Ynot

    Blog Q&A

    Ok, i finaly MADE my Blog approval thingie How do i post the code for peoples to put in their Blogs? or rather WHAT code do i post? i used Deviantart
  19. Finally got a Blog approal, butim not sure how to post it Here is the Link: http://makuta-ynot.deviantart.com/art/BZP-...proval-98518997
  20. Ynot

    On The Beach

    Its Saturday!!!! he'll be back, YAY!!!!!!!! Takuta, you can let Omi outta the Strangle hold now
  21. Arrg!!!! I'm not good at Pirate Speak
  22. Probably because.....well, i have no life otherwise, you wouldn't one
  23. Wow, that has to be the most REDICULOUS Pirates tale i have EVER HEARD! Steak Boy wouldn't think its a CHEERIO! To him it would be a doughnut! Anyway, Pretty good Takuma Love the varios Parodies Though, an Ironman refeance would have been nice!
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