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Everything posted by Ynot

  1. Love that Band! Rockstar is my current Favorite song The picture..eh, you've see one pun, you've seen em all
  2. Hey, Takuma, when you posting Episode 4? ~The Makuta Collectively Known as Ynot~
  3. Only 250? I thought it would yield at least 1000 Bet the designers are releaved that didn't come to pass
  4. Explosions, Axes, Kicking, SPORE, and Insulting Man and his inventions This is the new favorite topic of these Makuta collectively known as Ynot
  5. Funniest movie in awhile Probably going to be the new Finding Nemo
  6. I think the Crystal Reaper is the better choice also, POWER FUNCTIONS!!!! That clip is hilarious!
  7. I HAZ ONE!!!!! I have 17 disks: Fire, Disguise, Simba, Escher, Circuit, LEGO, Dume, Infected, Junkbot, Windows, Apple, Lightsaber, The Great Unknown, BZPower, Minifig, Shock, and Starter Anyone know of anyothers? Cause in the corner it says there are 3 more... Also, anyone know how to MAKE a Disk?
  8. Ynot

    2009 Looms

    Bink is gitting ready for 09, dang is it just me or do we hear something like this every...oh, say six months?
  9. Oh, Ok

    Well, in that case..


  10. *Wonders why no one suspects Foul play* Oh, right, i haven't posted til now!
  11. Minifig looking to the left: Um, boss, think Omi will notice? BTW: Are my quotes that bad? I'd really like to improve, so could you tell me what im doing wrong?
  12. *Wonders what Bfa had an Idea about* WE MUST KNOW!!!!!!
  13. Wish i could have come up with some more creative questions, but im not that bright Oh, well, whats done is done Good luck Bink!
  14. Um..Hi.

    Do i know you?

    Cause i just checked ym Friend list, and your not there...

    Name change or something?

  15. Ynot

    I'm Depressed...

    o.O; Well, this can't end well....
  16. >.< YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!!! BTW: Think this Blog entry got a little off topic...
  17. The guy on the far left just happens to be an Emperor. -Omi meant Omi BEING the Emperor of Awesome But the guy with fiery wings is pretty close
  18. Ynot

    Unfortunate News

    Hope she has a good career following this....
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