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Everything posted by Ynot

  1. And Weapons, and Fire, and EXPLOSIONS OF MASSIVE PROPORTIONS!!!! And Omi, can't have an awesome game without the Emperor of Awesome!!!!
  2. That depends, what does the movement involve?
  3. Binkmunster Hapori Tofu Ninjam Pohuaki Chicken X Toaragu Refried Bonesiii Cajun Chicken InnerRigatoni
  4. CHARGE!!!!!! FIGHT!!!! Destroy all spammers!!!!!
  5. BZP, now with 30% more Bfa!!!!!
  6. Cool The prob i have with the Jap voicing is the change of Chads name Confuses me...a lot Otherwise i would do what i do with Naruto Shippuuden and watch the entire serires without blinking
  7. Ynot


    Happy belated Birthday!
  8. BRING IT!!!! I say that Bionicle can only get better!
  9. Ynot

    I Am Mata Nui!

    Um.....wouldn't that be a violation of the Spoiler policy? Anyway, of course your Mata-Nui Taka But that wont last for long!!!!
  10. Yep, am currently viewing episode 87! Dont like the Jap voicing, so waiting for Eng Dubs...
  11. Hey, i was wondering, how many words other than the FIVE are on the Filter list? i know Moderator and various websites are filtered, but anything else?
  12. What would you like to debate?
  13. Nah, the persective isn't right for that Quite frankly, it looks as if the beetle would be about Ankle high EDIT: BTW, where were you doning the Ichi Kurosaki thing?
  14. Matoran: AIM FOR TAKUMA!!!!! How dare he defile Teridax!!!!
  15. ...SPAMZ!!!!! Got one myself, annoying little bugger, aren't they?
  16. Omi...using power...POSITIVELY? Just joking Omi, great job with the Rule-protecction, though
  17. Ok, never mind, i miss read what you were saying » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « So, if that little guy is smaller than a beetle, then would that make the BIG arm piece normal sized?Edit: hey, i was looking at your awards, when Was/Will Ichigo be/been in a female Gigai?
  18. Hold up. are you refering to Normal or Brickmaster Comic?
  19. I CODE LYOKO!!!!!! I wish they haden't ended it though, it was a good series! XANA= » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «DEAD!!!!
  20. Ynot

    Screw You Arbella

    What, Yoda, you are now? Insurance, need you dont
  21. Ynot

    Screw You Arbella

    New Auto Insurance? What was wrong with the old? Rates to high, not enough coverage, etc?
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