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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Kraahlix

  1. Kraahlix

    Some Updates

    That is all great news Greg! I just wish that the movie novelization wasn't the last novel we're getting :-/
  2. Hah, comment as much as you like. =)

  3. I'm Kraah, btw.

  4. Hey t here KH :)

  5. Toa of Dark: He doesn't.

  6. Yeah, I figured that out xD

  7. Crud - I thought I was on someone else's profile >_

  8. Aw I missed it =3

    Happy Birthday though!

  9. I did say Happy Birthday to ya, right? Hope so. Hi Erbun.

  10. 500th profile view. Do I win a vacation?

  11. Hi there. You've been around a WHILE. And no comments?

  12. Yeah, TM TM TM. Musta been a phase:P

  13. People...

    He doesn't read comments.

    Never has relied, probably doesn't even know that they're here.

  14. Heh, seems like it.

  15. Kraahlix

    My Desktop

    Looks too busy, but Windows 7 looks pretty neat.
  16. Hh doesn't read comments, send him a PM if you want to reach him.

  17. Kraahlix

    Hey Guys

    Yeah, yeah, I'm behind the times. I like how Bfahome described you, because that is actually how I am in real life (NOT on the Internet ) so I can relate. And I don't act that way because I know everything or am superior to anyone, just that I look at things from a different perspective than most. I only share those perspectives when I think need be. Often people can get the wrong idea of your motives, but that is because, like I said, they're looking at it from a different perspective. The perspective can often come from a shift in your life when you realize what things matter and what to care for, such as a near-death experience, loss of someone close to you, etc. Naturally that would harden a person, at least on the outside. [And I haven't read all your posts as of late, so I don't know exactly what applies to you.]
  18. Haven't you been sixteen years old ever since I've been on here (two years)? :P

  19. Kraahlix

    Two Pieces Of News

    Ah, right. Well my point still stands
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