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Blog Comments posted by bonesiii

  1. Wow. You took down an entire forum!?

    Sweet. :P


    You should have Marvin debate with you.

    Lol, I guess. But the same members were joining the "new" forum which was produced by the same guys, so I'll go a little more modest and just say they deleted my topics in a clever, loopholey way. :P





    If you really are the reason that "complainers" get to say what they feel, instead of being batted down on sight, then I thank you for that.

    Well, again, I don't wanna seem to be claiming credit for more than I really caused -- I was not by any stretch of imagination the only factor. All of us on the staff agree that providing that right is important. :) And I have to give Greg the vast majority of the credit because without him here, I would have no material with which to do what I do.



    That being said, I rarely agree with you.

    That's fine -- I'm not expecting or necessarily wanting everybody to do that. I'm probably wrong on a lot of things -- or I'm willing to consider that I am. Someone once said that in a lot of disagreements, the truth is often somewhere in the middle. And that's been the case with me a lot.


    It's my impression that you are obsessed with deffinitions and thusly tend to skip over the heart of the matter, and jump right into straightening people out.

    That's the conversation Wrinkle and I are having right now in that "Nostalgia" VB poll. [Edit: And I see you saw that -- okay, now read point #s 2 and 3 below before judging here. :P] How I see what I do is using clear definitions to more clearly explain how I see the heart of the matter. Obviously to some people, it comes across the opposite way, and if that's because I'm obsessing over something, then that's my fault and I need to improve. :)



    seen you countless times bring up "points" that the topic starter obviously knows, but you act as if the person is a misguided simpleton and has no clue.

    1) Yes, this happens. :P


    2) But two, I think you're attributing perhaps more telepathic power to me than I have (which is none lol). In those cases it's more that I had no clue that they knew (or wasn't sure). So again, yes, that would possibly be my fault, but not for pretending they're simpletons or anything, just for really me being the simpleton in that case and not catching a nuance they included (or being in a hurry and rushing things). Believe me, you never can assume, and plenty of times what one person knows and is insulted that I said it, another didn't know and thanks me for telling them. Each person is different. So a lot of times it's also not my fault, it's just that I couldn't be sure at the time. (Of course, I could try more often to just ask, which is after all my own advice, lol.)


    3) Also, you have to remember that nothing I write on the forums (or anywhere other than PMs/IMs) is written just for one person. I always have to keep everybody reading in mind, and a lot of them don't know the things I and the other person know, and in my experience, if I just leave it unsaid, it just makes things worse because these readers misunderstand me, and post things like "I agree with bones, you shouldn't complain!"


    So it's one of those frustrating issues where I can't please everybody, unfortunately.



    Example, pointing out the differences between opinion, taste, fact, what's good for sales, etc. People know these things.

    Believe me, many, many, many do not, especially some of our younger members. And I've known plenty of adults who don't know them too, here, on other forums like the ones I mentioned, and real life. The Ignorance Peeve is alive and well out there, my friend. :lol:



    I could go on forever, but I don't have to; if you're interested in how I feel on the matter, it appears as if I'm a carbon-copy of Wrinkle (in the topic that sparked this fresh debate on your tactics.)

    I am interested in this stuff, definately. Don't let me responding to it and critiquing/discussing it make you think I don't want to hear it. I do. :)


    One other thing I might add: your tone very often comes off as very "holier than thou,"

    Yarr, I know... *tortures ego again*


    Maybe, if you're interested in avoiding conflicts like this, you can mix up your wording a bit, or something? Maybe lose the "silly" emotes.

    Lol -- I think we've had this conversation before. Maybe I could choose when and where to use them more tactically, but honestly I feel it's more genuine if I don't. I have this nutso theory that if I simply express emotion where I actually do feel it, I'll seem more real, precisely because I'll be more real.


    Will never work for the people that choose to assume this:


    [The silly emotes, to me, kind say "kill them with kindness;" you know, how if you dislike someone, if they just sit and smile at you, it just makes you angrier? Instead of lightening the mood? Kinda the same concept.]


    Which is the opposite of what I do. Actually, when I am replying to someone like you who I know has expressed dislike of emoticons before is the only time I thinking about where is the smarter place to put them. So no offense but I think you create some of that impression yourself by being uptight about emoticons in the first place. Look, here I would have used a wink emote, but I'm not gonna because I can't be sure if you'll take it for what it means, or as a "tactic."


    Again, no offense, and not that I don't appreciate you telling me this.


    But if you see me using a silly emote, which I admittedly do a lot, it's because I'm a silly guy. I mean, I'm not writing comedies for tactical reasons, yaknow? Yes, a logician can be silly too... Honestly, I've begun to think that choosing not to use emoticons around those like you is actually worse, because of what I just above. I think it actually makes me seem less genuine, which equals bad.



    (It's a taste thing.) ((If I used the wrong definition of taste, please don't let me know.)) Anyhow, just trying to help.

    I'll take a hint from Wrinkle and not nitpick on that one. :P


    See, I appreciate your advice, and I'll admit it's tempting, but the thing is, the idea of trying to "fake" the way I express myself is just repulsive to me. I just can't do it, and I honestly don't think it would get me anywhere anyways. In my experience, people who fake themselves to goals might achieve them by fooling a bunch of easily-swayed people, but only by sacrificing something that means a lot more to me -- the trust of those who whom being genuine is vital. I think where I fail is when I actually let the negative emotions take me over and I do sit there thinking "this guy's a [insert insult here] and I'm smarter than him." That's wrong, and I need to stop it. I think that's the solution. :)


    (Sorry for the emote. :P)


    So while "Kill them with kindness" is a principle I believe in, I believe in the genuine version of it, where I really don't hold grudge, I really do look at them in kindness no matter what they've done to me (which isn't to say I don't mete out punishments when it's my job to, but you know what I mean). I think you're confusing that with people who "misuse" the principle as a mere tactic, who are fake about it. If you know nothing else about me, know this -- I am never fake.


    [Edit: Oh, BTW -- I don't dislike anybody. Right there is probably a big part of your problem. I don't have that problem, because I am never talking to anyone I dislike. :)]


    I got to the point of you explaining what a Logician is, and I decided to see how much I had to read left.


    Bones, stop exercisin' them fingers. You could probably lift a car a few inches off the ground with your index finger.


    'A logician is like a magician. They have 'cian' at the end of them and Arch-Angel is definitely not one.'

    But it's fun! When I type things like this, my fingers move in such a blur that the keyboard feels like clay rather than plastic! (I'm serious! Okay, I'm joking too. :P But it does -- feels weird.)

  2. Amen -- man everybody's earning these things left and right lately:




    And everybody's vulnerable to the mistake you mentioned, including, if not especially, me. There's been plenty of times where I've written up a whole reply to someone who just really, really annoyed me, and promptly didn't post any of it at all. Or take only the bits and pieces of it that are constructive, etc.

  3. It really isn't that hard once you learn how, but the problem is, being happy is a learned skill. Trick is basically to focus on "joy", which is a conscious choice that doesn't depend on circumstances, rather than "happiness" which is more fleeting and dependant on circumstances.


    Most of us automatically hope for happiness. Learning how to instead go for joy is hard.


    Which is why I try to teach how as often as I have time for. ^_^ That's possible too, as I've thankfully found many times over the years here. Depends on the person though. And that one's definately anything but easy.


    Edit: Lol, I forgot this:


  4. See Icarax...

    Where in Icarax are the gears? I pulled up out Set DB page, and I don't see them. Anybody know?


    I don't think it would be such a good idea in can sets, since they are the money makers. Maybe in the small sets or in Titan sets or in store exclusives, but maybe not canisters. I don't want to see gears implemented in the bodies, but they would be awesome in the weapons!


    So, in short, I agree with you, sort of.



    I really like that weapons idea. :)


    Any comments?

    Err.. Congrats on receiving the Blog of the Week award?

    Thanks. :D

  5. Maybe, but it had a specific function with rules -- it was basically a "yo-yo grappling hook" that, once released, had to grab something and had to retract. (The last rule worked against Makuta in LoMN when he accidentally grabbed a giant rock, which then had no choice but to slam into him.) That sounds a lot more like a unique power than just part of darkness.


    Yaknow maybe it's just part of the ability to absorb other beings mixed with darkness though. :shrugs:

    • Upvote 1
  6. Pretty good, but some seem a little bit forced...

    Confusion -- Underwater navigation is confusing

    Yes, but as I said:

    Note that of course many are a stretch, but the idea here is to aid memorization.

    Obviously I don't think Greg had this in mind when he chose these powers; it's purely a way to help remember them. :)


    And underwater nav'ing is confusing. :P


    And thanks. ^_^

    • Upvote 1
  7. skull_of_approval.gif

    Excellent entry!

    I only disagreed with a couple of things, like the wide shoulders thing -- I love the troll/ape look both on Kongu 2007 and Pohatu 2008.

    And just some thoughts on the Midak -- it is really fun (IMT) to fire. While I still like the Zamor as the best projectile weapon so far, the Midak is a big improvement on the Cordak IMT since it's stylized in the front at least, has more rapid fire than the Zamor, has an actual trigger (love that design), and the ammo doesn't fall out like with Zamor clips.

    Midak weakness to me is is the lack of style on the back half (also, I don't like how Kopaka holds it, or the puny-ness of his bayonet that attaches, though I wouldn't mind a bigger bayonet for him).

    Don't have time to comment beyond that, but regardless, well done, and now your second winning of this award. :D
  8. Yes, everybody can use that quicklink if they like (minus the topic closed as you say, of course).


    I didn't forget -- that's the inscription Zaktan found. :P Of course, not everybody knows that so yeah...


    Edit: Eh, I'll just remove the "Topic closed." I can add that myself as needed lol.

  9. kyuubi, not totally sure what you mean by "property" -- but to give an object a fill, right click on it, click "Format" (Usually "Format Autoshape"), and then under the tab "Colors and Lines", near the top under the word "Fill", click the drop-down menu with the word "Color:" to the left of it. You see colors there that can fill the object. Make sense?


    Note that this is with the version of Powerpoint on XP; it might be different on Vista (or a Mac version).

  10. Everyone hates nonsense? :P

    However, in most cases, I don't think the topic starter really means "everyone." It's more or less a type of slang. I think the topic starter was specifically targeting the ones who criticize that set and asking why they hate it. Although this seems to be more of a pet peeve. :P

    Anyhoo, from any set pics I've seen, I personally think that Pohatu is the best of the Nuva. :P

    I understand that there can be a figure of speech, but when you look at those topics, you see almost every reply along the lines of "Who said everybody hated it? I like it, I haven't seen that" etc. Obviously the figure of speech isn't very effective. :P Also, you never can be sure they don't actually think it's most people; Hasty Generalization is a commonly listed fallacy because it is a common mistake, after all. I know at least several people elaborate enough to make it clear they actually think it's the majority (when it isn't).


    Which is a point I should have made in the blog entry, yes. :bowdown: I knew I was forgetting something. :P


    I can't argue with this. It's beyond my level of logic. And that's saying a whole lot. :P



    Next, get Toa Ignika. He's awesome. The fact it is the Ignika itself makes it worth it. The build is similar to the Piraka, but it isn't exactly. But, if you're looking for another Nuva, get Lewa. Chirox, as you probably already know, is the best Makuta, in my opinion. Just my opinion.

    Lol, I'm definately considering it, just budget issues and all.


    This si true bones but when these people say everybody they are just trying to simply exagerate. Are you saying you never exagerate? Most of these people dont actually think everybody hates/likes whatever set it is.


    Anyway it sems that all of nuva have gray as their primary. I was really hoping for more lime but it's still a really good set. The best Nuva IMT.

    I exaggerate plenty of times, but I'm also talking about when people actually are incorrectly thinking "most" (or even almost all) are disliking the set in question. I know it's been true at least a few times.


    When they are exaggerating, my advice is to say so somewhere so people know for sure what you meant, or just avoid the figure of speech as it really doesn't work on its own.


    Really, about the gray? I guess I'll need to check the pics again -- I was under the impression there was more silver and such in Lewa and gunmetal and white in Kopaka than orange in Pohatu... Or maybe you were including that in your statement... Hm..

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