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The Mugbearer

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Everything posted by The Mugbearer

  1. Ask your mom about camera's instruction. There you could find sanything you need.
  2. "You shouldn't. But if fans want, why not? I really don't care, if only you will show me something brand-new about Bionicle Univese." - that's my answer.
  3. Extra lighting is extremely recommended! Also I'd like to say that you need to know how to change settings on your camera. For example, you need to make pics in macro mode.
  4. It's just a LDD model of my favorite Decepticon.He doesn't transforming - it's only Action Figure! You are inferior. Always!
  5. A little idea that became an LDD MOC of a Mech in 'microfigure' scale in the nice orange-black color scheme. Get the LXF-file
  6. ^___^ Nice cute tentacles. Cool use of Nuparu's Pakari.
  7. Hello BZP users! Though this model is named Wanzer, it's unfortunately has no any relations to famous Front Mission franchize, but I WANED to make a Mech in FM-style. However, MOC has came more individual and creative, plus my Girlfriend has made a color scheme for it. So, the Wanzer is an universal Mech frame that could be equipped with lots of weapons, armor and gears. It is good for any situation, and that's why it came so popular. Blank Wanzer Feet Arm How does cockpit opens Now, about the loadouts... Wanzer Gunner This Mech is carrying Gauss Rifle that could shoow with uranium projectiles or long steel needles. Wanzer Slinger It's armed with two SMGs that brings havoc in the enemy lines. Heavy Duty Heavy Duty Wanzer with special armor plates. Armed with two missile launchers and two gattling machineguns. Perfect for laying havoc on battlefield. Seraph Special battlepack for Wanzer with wings, flying engine, big force-field shield and energy broadsword. C&C's really appreciated! Model and loadouts made by me. ©Color cheme is made by Little Victory. ©
  8. Jeez, I am seeing some awesome works! Could ya post some urls for hi-res versions?
  9. And again, thank you much! Lewa Nitro has been invented long before Phantoke did. =)
  10. Remember I've posted a Protoss Zealot here? I made another PRotoss. Now it's about Dark Templar, whom I like more than Zealots and such. =3 Get the LXF now! Thanx for watchin'!
  11. Chibi Turahk is nice. =) However, you should do something with your camera. The pics are terribly unfocused.
  12. The Blaster seem to be more solid-built. And I like him. ^^
  13. For me Furno Marine will always keep to be the best. =) Thanks guys!
  14. Ugh... Pohatu is just... just... too Inika'ish! Kopaka and Tahu are nice.
  15. Yje wings are mrant to be transparent. =)
  16. Nothing else will fit well, I fear. Because I wanted to make lower torso with ball-joint in waist. Another constructive solution. I needed shins like Toa Metru's but they were too short for such a tall guy, so I've extended them with those Mata hands. Believe me, this design do it's work well. =)
  17. At first, thanx for such a detailed review.Now about more lifelike look. In my alternate vision of Slizer world they are reptile-like species, any with their own special features. Fore example, Jungke Skizers has fur besides the external skeleton on head.Every Slizer has external skeleton on his or her head with different designs. It's really a bit shorter, like thumb. And original Slizer throwing hand has such a finger. Two long finger are placed above the thumb. I will post some. ^^
  18. I don't think that I am understood you correctly. Could you explain? Can't say does it good or bad. =) Actually, he has beast-like legs. And original Eater's model had them. So I've tried to expand them for good. =) Thanks alot!
  19. D'oh! >< I knew that it's stilll a lie!
  20. Scrap, she's awesome! I like the fusion of Bionicle, Hero Factory and Systems!
  21. This is Slizer Amazon, my own version of him. Slizers originally belongs to the Lego Company and was closed as the series in 90-th after two years since opening. Now one of my very best friends is reviving the series in the 'Project Slizer'. My Slizer art is considers as the fan-art because officially Slizers are robots, but I'm imaging them as the reptile-like creatures. Amazon is the protector of Jungle Region. Despite the fact that Jungle Slizers do not like the heavy armors and Exo-suits Amazon use it because of traditions. His suit is most lighty of other Slizer Heroes' which allows him to travel through the Jungles by the lianas, and also it has a disc-throwing hand. The primary weapon of Amazon is his katana. Inked Version.
  22. I've decided to re-post some arts to see some more comments from users. =) This character belongs to my epic 'Bionicle Universe: The Fiction' telling us about adventures of living Bionicle toys in real Moscow apartments. Unfortunately, not in English so I can't share this epic. ( Anyway, the name of the one who I want show is Onepu. Onepu was a cute emo-like Matoran with a purple Mask and childy voice. Until he forced to unleash his original personality!Actually he is Makuta Teridax in the Matoran body. This 'note-drawing' picture was made for the Rusbionicle stop-motion movie 'Bionicle Universe'. I've tried to make a crossover of Onepu's Pakari mask and Teridax's Mask of Shadows. I've used OpenCanvas to paint him. You know, I dig his Mask. It looks like the face of Megatron! =3
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