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Jonah Falcon

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Everything posted by Jonah Falcon

  1. Jonah Falcon

    And So It Begins

    WHATS GOING ON? Want me to sing a song for you guys?
  2. I find your lack of faith disturbing.

    *Vader breathing*

  3. Jonah Falcon

    And So It Begins

    oh so you think she looks awesome WIN =D
  4. Jonah Falcon

    And So It Begins

    O_o I'm gonna have nightmares forever now... but actually They're the same OMG THEY ARE! =O They're still freaky,however.
  5. Jonah Falcon

    And So It Begins

    O_o I'm gonna have nightmares forever now...
  6. Yes,immediately.He'll be meeting with another 'client' of his.Also,make sure his bed is made properly.I have the feeling he'll be needing it after all this is over.

  7. Jonah Falcon

    Not Voting

    Isn't political discussion banned from BZPower?Wait,it's only if we argue about the candidates,right or left?
  8. Alfred,master Bruce insists you take a double shift tonight.He'll be working overtime if you know what I mean. ;)

  9. The Sarlac spit him up after everyone left.

  10. Fett is alive,as far as I can tell.T

  11. Did you know your my favorite Batman villian?

  12. HI IM BEN If you've played 'Stay Tooned' you'll know where I'm getting at here.
  13. I know your true identity,Batgirl.And I can tell the whole world. Yes,I'm being awfully evil today...
  14. Scratch that.I meant =D

  15. My foot fell aslepp.It's tingly. D=

  16. Conglaturations on the new baby! =D

  17. Jonah Falcon

    And So It Begins

    WHAT HAPPENED TO EXO? I'm confused.Also,that Squidward thing is just plain freaky.The comic is hilarious,though. -TOA DAVE-
  18. *Complains* Yes,yes it is. I'm more concerned about Turakii's mental health now. -TOA DAVE-
  19. I believe our good friend Turakii has finally lost it for good. *Hides*

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