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Everything posted by Cobui

  1. Cobui


    Tufi is the new BZPower leader... Well, I guess it'll be only be a bit embarrassing bowing down before her at the next BrickCon. But if this is a prank, it's the best one since Hapori Dume.
  2. Cobui

    Oh, Well.

    One of our chickens has Coccidiosis after another one died of it a week ago.
  3. Make his mask look a lot less like he's smiling. This is Dark Mirror!
  4. Once you get back to the Aethion Quest, would you mind introducing my character?

  5. Credit to XKCD for this brilliant comic. If you like XKCD, please comment.
  6. Just finished watching the 1966 movie of Fahrenheit 451. It takes skill to make a movie that weird.
  7. Cobui

    Ape-ocalypse Plan

    He can use sign language, recognize pictograms, make fire, cook food, make tools, use knives, and even play video games.
  8. Cobui


    Session by Linkin Park is one of the best instrumental rock songs ever.
  9. Cobui

    Ape-ocalypse Plan

    Kanzi has developed his own rudimentary language with his family.
  10. From SPIRIT's blog: Yeah, discuss my plans here.
  11. Cobui

    Ape-ocalypse Plan

    They'll only get to take over if we blow ourselves up in WWIII, so right now I'm for species coexistence.
  12. I plan to take the B:NG discussion to Brickcon when it next comes up.
  13. Fell out of my seat laughing when I saw this.
  14. If you see a spam topic and decide to report it, it is not a good idea to post in that topic to say you have reported it. That post will most likely be deleted, so just report the topic and move on. I also want to ask why people spam in NMQ&A. It's not like it increases your post count anyway.
  15. This just in - a giant head has sprouted out of Arkansas!
  16. Cobui

    B6's Posts

    I just realized that I've hardly ever seen Blacksix make a post that wasn't starting a talkback topic or closing a topic.
  17. Listening to one of the funniest radio shows ever!.
  18. Cobui


    Nuju Metru has somehow managed to reach 10,000 posts in just over two years!
  19. Cobui


    Just finished writing a character profile for my EM personification, Coubi. Anybody is free to use him in their epics so long as you don't kill him off!
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