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Everything posted by Cobui

  1. Can you post it if it's BZP-appropriate, or at least give us a hint?
  2. Cobui

    Calling All Operatives

    Unfortunately for you, my county (not 'country', 'county') has the third largest reserve of nuclear armaments in the world. Too bad we also figured out 'Defence' Scheme No. 1!
  3. Cobui


    I can relate to the DS thing, because I left my boombox outside too long, and found a small colony of baby spiders living inside one of the speakers.
  4. Is that writing in your banner Aurebesh?

  5. What's that about wanting a red Kaukau? Because I have a red Kaukau...

  6. Cobui

    Calling All Operatives

    How real could this be when you've left Red Green off the list?
  7. If you like, I can post detailed scientific explanations for each of your comics.

  8. I forget the exact score I got, but I scored higher than my dad did when he was in highschool. And I took it a year ago.
  9. I am hereby creating a petition to get the monthly subscription fee of LEGO universe reduced. If you want to sign this petition, please post in the comments. I'm not sure how successful this will be, but I need something to do.
  10. I recently acquired a plethora of older D&D items. Through online research, I have determined the most likely prices for the items. DM guide: $100 Complete book of dwarves: $10 Complete wizard’s handbook: $10 Dragon Mountain box set: $30 Forgotten Realms campaign set: $150 Drow of the underdark: $75 Deck of wizard spells: $20 Castles 3D game accessory: $100 Dungeon Magazine #43: $10 DM screen with adventure: $15 Player’s Handbook: $60 I'd like to know where I can sell these.
  11. Cobui

    I Would...

    I would be posting a lot more entries if I had the time. As it is, you blog-watchers will have to wait until summer for the entry influx.
  12. Couldn't have said it better myself!
  13. Cobui

    Beware The Bioxon

    AMAZING. I can't wait to see the final films.
  14. I've been looking around at my shelves of MOCs lately, wondering why I don't post them. It always seems that when I do, most people give me good ratings. So I've decided to list the reasons I don't make topics in BBC much. 1: I like to think up names and backstories for my creations before posting them. 2: Lack of a good background to photograph models against. 3: Can never find camera to take picture. 4: Not enough time. 5: Procrastination due to ADD. I hope people understand, and I hope my newly finished Toa of Magma will still be awesome when I post it.
  15. @ your sig quote: ORLY?

  16. Of course, the exception to your sig is Toph.

  17. Actually, you Have insulted people in your 'fun game'.

  18. Good thing you got my report.

  19. Just for clarification, my character's tribe is the Iceleaf tribe.

  20. No, it's spelled 'psychic'.

  21. Cobui


    They DID reveal it yesterday - on the Powercast.
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