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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Everything posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. Is there a President Binder state funeral post being planned?
  2. Name: Tomi "Tommy" OyamaCodename: TenguAge: 33Gender: MaleFaction: M.A.C.E. (formerly Enforcers)Power(s): Tengu has no natural powers, but has inherited his mother's cybernetic healing factor, thanks to the nanites in his body. Lady Deathstrike infused adamantium into some of bones and connective tissue in his skeleton, and layered Olympian adamantine on his skull. Telepathic Immunity - Thanks to the Olympian adamantine metal which lines his skull, Tengu's mind is completely cut off from psychic attacks or telepathic contact. Enhanced Durability & Reflexes - Tengu has a measure of enhanced durability and reflexes, thanks to the nanites which have integrated into his body and nervous system. Cybernetic Healing Factor - As a result of inheriting the nanites used by Donald Pierce on his mother. Tengu is able to repair damage done to his parts within a relatively shot period of time. However, the nanites that fuel the healing factor run on careful calculations. Minor injuries and wounds are not repaired by the nanites, so long as they are calculated not to seriously interfere with Tengu's operational efficiency. While the nanites cannot be used to directly regrow lost limbs, his cybernetic healing factor can be used to re-attach limbs. It has also acted as an internal defibrillator. Appearance: Tommy Oyama is of Eurasian descent, being the son of Yuriko Oyama and an American member of the Hand. He has dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. When wearing glasses, he is likely to be identified as an Asian. When not wearing glasses, he is more likely to be identified as Caucasian. When on undercover missions, he tends to wear dress shirts or turtlenecks and trench coats. His skin is very pale, and he stands at about 5'11. He is reasonably good-looking, which facilitates his job as a public liaison and field commander for M.A.C.E.Weapons: Tomi's weaponry is customized for nonlethal suppression of mutant elements, and for dealing with mutants with healing factors and toughened skin. He carries a small customized flechette pistol, designed to fire specialized ammunition. The barbed carbonadium flechettes lack the stopping power of a bullet. However, they are ideal for use against mutants with healing factors, as carbonadium has the tendency to slow down their rate of healing. The flechettes have some piercing power. The bottom of the barrel holds an attachment that can be used to fire rounds of artificial webbing based off of technology produced by Horizon Labs, for non-lethal restraint and suppression. Tomi's preferred form of confronting renegade mutants is through close-quarters combat, he tends to use a pair of specially forged ninjato-like swords. The blades are made of adamantium, and have been inlaid with carbonadium. An energy projector is installed in the hilts of each sword, which are used to sheathe the swords with a dampening energy field. This field allows the swords to be used without completely dicing apart his targets. In order to detect mutants, Tengu has a special pair of sunglasses that have been embedded with X-gene detecting technology. The shades are connected with the national mutant database, via technology purchased from a certain large web company. He is able to cross-reference mutants he detects with the database. He also carries a briefcase with the US government's standard X-Gene suppressing armlet. The device clamps firmly around the mutant's arm, and is waterproof and shielded from external electrical energy. Injectable tracking chips and a syringe are also carried in the briefcase. Skills: Having been raised by a member of the Hand, Tengu is well versed in close quarters combat, shadowing people, and infiltrating locations. He is a capable lockpick, and regularly carries a set of picks with him. He is skilled at evaluating the powers of mutants. Personality: Tomi Oyama is a generally sheltered young man. However, he tends to be a fairly 'Zen' fellow, with an air of warm professionalism when on the job. Due to his strict upbringing, he has a fascination with the cuisine and drink of the masses. He is very loyal to his teammates, and to the cause of mutant control.Weakness: Despite his cybernetic healing factor, Tommy has the senses and needs of a normal human being. While his durability and reflexes have been enhanced by the nanites in his system, Tommy's strength and stamina are limited to that of a human who regularly engages in intense physical exercise. Furthermore, while his cybernetic healing factor heals serious injuries, the nanites often do not quickly repair minor injuries, so long as they are calculated not to seriously interfere with Tengu's operational efficiency. As a result, he does not enjoy wearing kevlar body armour, as the severe bruises left by bullet impacts tend to heal more slowly (and cause much longer discomfort) than actual bullet wounds. Harsh electrical shocks are able to temporarily shut down his nanites, which briefly put him into a catatonic state while the nanites reboot. Bio: Son of Lady Deathstrike and an American member of the Hand, Tommy was raised with anti-mutant sentiments, and given the appropriate treatments in order to make him an effective anti-mutant enforcer. He joined the Enforcers at the age of 21, and worked his way up to a reasonably high rank. When the Enforcers and key military units were folded together in order to create M.A.C.E., Tommy was given the role of a field commander and public liaison. His primary task is to engage mutants, both registered and unregistered, with the new mutant control legislation, and evaluate the risks associated with their abilities. Resistance is usually met with either capture or execution.
  3. IC - President Ocalan:The President listened carefully to Yuri's oral CV, then laughed curtly, waving a hand. "Thank you for your report." "Not to worry. No one will be thrown to the sharks. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter who the X-Man really was. What matters is who the media has painted him to be. He was wearing the uniform, and preaching their sermon. Everyone from Fox to Oprah is calling for Hank McCoy to be pilloried by a Senate committee. And-" Ocalan leafed through the binder. "It really doesn't matter. The X-Men, and Brotherhood are equally unregistered, and equally dangerous extremists." "Your defence of the events is more than satisfactory." President Ocalan smiled at Yuri. "The report tells me you took out one of the mutant infiltrators in the convention center single-handedly. Humble of you not to mention it. Though, if I'm not mistaken, I detected a thinly veiled threat in your last statement.""If I were you, I wouldn't worry too much about job security though." The President felt the breeze pushing the folder. "The only heads that will roll are those of enemies of these United States.""There have been plenty of rumours swirling about here about your previous career." Ocalan looked out on the National Mall once again. Had it only been a few months since the park was crowded with supporters as Binder was sworn into his second term? "A flexible response task force drawn from every part of the United States Armed Forces and the Enforcers that are left. Navy, Air Force, Army, and intelligence agencies across the board. It will stand nearly shoulder-to-shoulder with SHIELD. Some genius drafting the legislation decided to call it M.A.C.E." The President suppressed a smile. "Mutant Activity Control & Enforcement. The selection committee and I are looking for a Commander for M.A.C.E. A military man with experience in dealing with mutants." "Of course, said commander would no longer be attached to the branch of military they are currently commanding. They would be leading a brand new branch of the USAF and coordinate with our intelligence agencies and Department of Homeland Security. Any major operations would require the approval of the Oval Office, and they will be subject to review by a joint committee with representatives from Congress and experts." Ocalan looked at Yuri. "You wouldn't happen to know someone that might be interested in such a position, would you?"
  4. IC - NPC President Ocalan:"Until I see Maximoff's body, I'm operating under the assumption that he is still alive." President Ocalan took back the photographs and replaced them in his binder. "Yes. Well I'm glad you didn't suggest 'just nuking' the island. During an emergency meeting I had yesterday, some idjit senator from Wisconsin wanted us to be 'practical' and drop a couple of nuclear weapons on Genosha." The President's gaze was deadly serious as he considered the recent number of Enforcer actions. "The problem with the Enforcers is that they only managed to chase the Brotherhood to and fro.""But they have valuable experience in handling mutants that could be useful. The Secretary of Defense wanted us to drone strike the island into submission. I'll admit it's a practical suggestion, but, I believe that a coordinated attack would be more prudent. Drones and airstrikes alone are no guarantee of a successful attack against enemies as diverse as mutants." "Off the official record, at least until after President Binder's funeral, I plan on seeing the military coordinate with the Enforcers. The best from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and any security agencies like the NSA, FBI, or CIA. The existing Enforcers structure will be folded into this specialized multi-role military and security division.""Have you had prior experiences dealing with mutants, besides watching them slaughter fifty-seven of America's movers and shakers?"
  5. IC - NPC President Ocalan: "Yes, I most certainly would like to do so." President Ocalan's grey eyes appraised the other man. A relative unknown who had rocketed to a generalship. Either Yuri was a formerly classified operative, or the man managed to twist the fingers of some very powerful men."I was briefed that you were responsible for security at the late President Binder's little conference yesterday." Ocalan looked out at the park from between the pillars. "87 dead inside the centre, and over forty casualties amongst the protesters and soldiers outside. The corps have my sympathy and prayers.""One dead X-Man, too, I hear." Jacob Ocalan exhaled, watching the flowers through his breath. "I'm sure you saw the footage of some throwback to the 80s blowing Pietro Maximoff's brains onto the pavement. When they retrieved Bobby's body, they found two corpses." A Secret Service attache passed a slim folder to the President, who flicked it open and passed several photos to Yuri. "Two bodies-" Photos of a pretty young female splayed out on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, a gaping hole staining her bubble-gum pink hair with gore. "-Neither of which belonged to the man we saw decapitate the Binder."President Ocalan looked out at the steps. "I'll let you do the math."
  6. IC - NPC Vice-President Jacob Ocalan - Washington: The cool winter air at Washington was unusually quiet. On any other day, the National Mall would have been dotted with tourists enjoying the sight of the monuments. But that was before yesterday.Today, Jacob Ocalan, Vice-President of the United States, stood at the bottom of the steps of the Lincoln Memorial surveying the flowers and candles that covered the stairway. An impromptu memorial to a national tragedy.Yesterday, he had been interviewed by the press on the mutant issue. Yesterday, he had watched with some degree of personal revulsion as President Robert Binder compared mutant registration to the Jim Crow laws. The Vice-President's eyes focused on a flickering candle as he deposited a sheaf of flowers onto the memorial. Over the years, his running mate had cultivated a reputation of professional detachedness. A rigid moderate, almost too progressive for his own party. So, like any political player, Binder's team had selected someone to balance out the President's weak points.From his days in the House of Representatives, Ocalan had set himself apart from other politicians as a skilled party player, an energetic and outspoken firebrand, the second son of hard-working immigrants who settled in the central states of America. Energy and relative youth aside, Representative Ocalan had been selected to appeal to one key national demographic. The anti-mutant lobby. In the years following the Mutant Registration Act, there had been some rustling in both Houses over the Act's perceived prejudices. The moderate Binder had kept his stance ambiguous, a stance which left many Americans in both parties. An ambiguous silence that had finally broken during the big broohaha in New York. Ocalan shook his head sadly as he stood straight again, looking at a photo of his former running mate. "Didn't I always say that their kind always bites the hands that feed them, Bobby? I wish you could see what those ###### muties did. And not just to you. Twelve Senators, forty-five Representatives, and thirty members of the Secret Service dead. The Mayor of San Francisco's face was half melted off, and you own wife was put into a coma."A member of the Secret Service of the Lincoln Memorial whispered into the VP's ear, and he began to move up and around the memorial, to the inside of the Lincoln Memorial. The Vice-President paused and looked over the National Mall, before he entered the colonnade. There were no tourists today. And only a handful of mourners. Several armoured cars were positioned about the park, and heavily armed soldiers were visibly patrolling the area. Mutant activists might try and explain things away, or twist the tragedy into a martyrdom for their cause. The liberal mainstream media might write this off as the disgruntled actions of a few extremists. HeII, there was a good possibility that the rest of the world would blame America for the debacle. Vice-President Ocalan watched a squad of soldiers on patrol, their assault rifles gleaming in the sunshine. There was no denying it. This country had long been in a state of war. Yesterday's events, the attack on Las Vegas, the bombing of the mutant rights convention, and the execution of Binder on these very steps, only brought the war to the public eye. Ocalan's steely grey eyes were grim. He would smoke out the enemy, wherever they hid, and make them pay. The VP strode into the colonnade, spotting his 3 o'clock appointment at Lincoln's feet. "General Aleksandrov, how good to meet you in person." OOC: Profile submitted for approval Tengu
  7. Are there any active Enforcer characters? In anticipation of stronger mutant-control legislation (thanks to recent events) I'd like to make a start up a little team to constructively tackle violations of said legislation. :3
  8. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Maximoff looked up from one of the library's computers, as Song entered. "Right here. Trying to track something down, and prepare for the worst." He nodded to the body on the gurney. "As you can see, White Bishop is right there."
  9. Beast survived an assassination attempt, but the assassin managed to finish the job.Seven then.
  10. Oh, and Quicksilver got assassinated. The Brotherhood is evacuating Genosha before they all get crushed by two US Navy carrier groups.And Hank just has been pronounced dead.
  11. OOC: I would like to apply for an extension of application for Cambion's electromagnetic manipulation. 1. Taser Touch - Victor will be able to run a current of electricity through his hands. Depending on the intensity of the charge, sparks may or may not be visible (before contact). Contact with the current by touch (or contact with the current through a conductor) would have a taser-like effect on victims of it. 2. Electromagnetic Field Generation - The ability to project an electromagnetic field which emanates from Victor. Metal in contact with the field (that is less heavy than Victor) will be repulsed. If the object is heavier, Victor will be the one pushed away. I don't see Cambion throwing around bolts of electricity (or even sparks), as he has had no time to train for that. Hence, why I've selected field generation and the taser-like touch, if only for the fact that they are abilities I can somewhat justify as being triggered by instinct or the subconscious, in reaction to certain situations. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Maximoff let relief play slightly across his face as he walked briskly once about the room, checking between the bookshelves. There were no intruders in sight. "45 minutes for me to 'clean' Romulus' body. Hopefully, they're still toasting each other's health."The young man returned to the gurney and ran his hands along the bottom of the bag with the clink of metal. He removed a handful of bullets and bullet fragments, shrapnel that had been pushed out by the ancient mutant's healing factor. Victor placed the fragments into a neat ziploc plastic bag, and placed it into his suit jacket pocket, before eyeing one of the whole bullets closely. After a moment of inspecting it, he looked up with a satisfied smile. "Good news. The bullets don't seem to be of standard caliber, or make. Customized. Depleted uranium rounds, judging by their density. One or two of these could have put down a charging bull moose. Caesar upstairs obviously knows the value of stopping power. It also means that he's got deep pockets.""Makes for a very distinct signature."
  12. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: "We are in the East Wing. Main floor. Close to the east library." Victor wheeled the gurney into the large room. "I can meet you there." The young man turned to Shaw. "Where will you be going, sir?"
  13. OOC: Good call. Let's say the communicator is for Hellfire members, encrypted and on a cycling frequency off the range of cell phone scramblers. Call display would be labelled with the person's rank. So, she'd be getting a call from Black Knight. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: "Well, I'm not an expert." Victor looked apprehensively at the body on the gurney. The staring, empty eyes of Romulus. "He seems to be gone. Empty almost. As if someone ripped his mind out of his body. No response or physical evidence of upper-level mental functions at all." "I was hoping you would be able to shed some light on the situation."
  14. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: "Ah, Song, sorry to disturb you in the midst of your vital work." Victor heard the terse voice of the Rook across the line. "The Mansion's security has been severely compromised. White Bishop's mind has been broken. He might need an appointment with you later. Just don't keep your back to the door. I thought I'd give you a heads up." "Shaw, do you have anything more to tell Song?"
  15. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: "I'm just around the corn-" Victor stopped awkwardly as he entered the lobby, pushing the gurney and its sealed payload. "And here we are." Maximoff smiled sheepishly, as he unzipped the bag, revealing Romulus' mane of hair. "Yeah, I should probably explain the body." The young mutant rubbed his temple for a moment and collected his thoughts. In any other circumstance, his message would sound like the raving of a lunatic. "First of all, the lobby is far too open to attacks. We need to get out of this room." "The Mansion has been compromised. I'll start from the beginning." The Black Knight pushed the gurney down the hallway where Shaw beckoned him to walk, towards the wing opposite from the White Bishop's study. "Romulus has some kind of clone with a fetish for Rome. I was going to visit the White Bishop, discuss something that came up during my sweep of the news that might interest the Club." The young man frowned. "Lo and behold, I arrive in Romulus' office, only to find the old bear decapitated and filled with bullets. Now, both of us know that no amount of bullets, armour-piercing or not, would put down Romulus. Most of the ones I found had ricocheted off of his skeleton. His clone managed to cut through the connective tissue between his vertebrae." "That aside. Romulus' clone managed to smuggle in at least a Baker's dozen of soldiers with some kind of power armour and guns. Big guns. He calls them his legionaries." Victor Maximoff continued to walk briskly. "The guy's on a recruiting drive. Recruiting a bunch of lieutenants to resurrect an eternal Rome over the smouldering ashes of the Hellfire Club and anyone else in his way. The Mysterious Priest, Jace, Legion, and Ben were there. A couple of them seemed to drink the Flavor-Aid." "Anyways, I managed to act my way into getting Romulus' body. I realigned his head to his body, and let his healing factor do the rest. As you can see-" Victor pulled on the body bag, opening it wider to reveal the unmarred chest and face of the Bishop. "- all of Romulus' wounds healed. The bullets were pushed out, and his neck is whole again. But, the body seems to have no mental functions. Physically alive, but empty." "I was hoping Song would be able to provide some insights into the condition. I suspect that the other Romulus used his psychic abilities to rip out the White Bishop's mind while he was distracted by the guns." The Black Knight exhaled slowly, feeling the pressure seep away from his soul as he continued to tap into the Chaos. "Anyways, with the Mansion compromised by a squad of enemy soldiers, and a giant mutant with a Caesar complex who explicitly stated that he wishes to remove you from your position, what is your plan of action?"
  16. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Victor was wheeling the gurney down towards the most likely location of Shaw, tapping into his Chaos manipulation, in an attempt to increase the odds of success, and decrease the odds of running into an unfriendly face. It was always an exhilarating experience to tap into the power of chaos. Like a rush of adrenaline, endorphins, and any kind of pleasure hormone, all at once. Finally! Shaw had answered. Victor wheeled the gurney around a corner, as he saw the sleek form of Reptilian pass by. Victor's voice was rushed. "Shaw. There's a situation I need to inform you about. It'd be best done in person. Where are you at the moment, and is Song nearby?"
  17. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: Oh what a beautiful morning,Oh what a beautiful day,I've got a wonderful feeling,Everything's going my way. Maximoff stopped his song, smirked and blew on his adamantium knife, the silver metal clouding with a touch of condensation.Dispose of Romulus' corpse. Bah. Only a idealistic, poetry-obssessed, impractical fool would throw away the body of the former leader of Weapon X. The bespectacled mutant grinned and continued to clean the knife, as his music played. He had managed to sneak the body, hidden in the oversized body bag, up to one of Novocain's labs. The young man had managed to shift Romulus' body onto a metal gurney, and had aligned the ancient mutant's head back with his body. It made the work a little more satisfying. Maximoff continued to polish the adamantium knife with a smirk. He knew for a fact that adamantium was an atrociously expensive metal. Most of the time, it was impossible to reshape it once set. But it never hurt to have a few hundred pounds of the stuff at the back of your safe. "Why toss what can be sold?" Already, the young man was running a list of potential buyers through his head. The sheer amount of the metal would be worth a billion dollars. Minimum. He hoisted up a set of tongs, admiring his reflection in the silver surface. First, though, he would have to ease the old mutant's adamantium blades back into his arms. It wouldn't do to have eight of those razor-sharp things bouncing around in the back of a van. "Liable to hurt someone, it would." The young man set to work, shoving the metal implants back into their sheathes before turning to grab another implement. All the sounds of the earth are like music,All the sounds of the earth are like music,The breeze is so busy it don't miss a tree,And an ol' Weepin' Willer is laughin' at- *plink* A jarring plink interrupted the young man's thoughts of sales, profit and goodies. The sound was followed up by another similar noise. Then another. The sound of metal against metal. What Victor saw as he turned caused him to reach for the small communication device he had received from the Club, as he hastily began to pack up the corpse once again. The Black Knight dialed in a series of numbers, holding the device between his ear and shoulder, as he folded Romulus' arms over his chest and zipped up the body bag.Muttering under his breath, Victor wheeled the concealed corpse out of the laboratory, and towards the vehicle bay. "Come on, you two. Answer the call, ******."
  18. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: "Thank you, Romulus." Victor smiled amiably at Romulus, a hint of trauma-induced sadness on his face. "I will get to the task right away. It should take around an hour." Maximoff picked up the head of the mutant by the hair, feeling the weight of the ancient mutant's adamantium skull and took Romulus's decapitated corpse by the arm. "I would appreciate the help of one of your legionaries."An armoured soldier walked over and helped Maximoff with the body. Victor hoisted the arm over his shoulder, supporting the giant of a man's weight with the help of the soldier. "Thank you. Please help me take the corpse to my room. Just down a couple of floors. We can take the elevator." "It will likely take me an hour to dispose of the body. I will return to you when I am finished. Unless there is another location you wish to rendezvous at?" Maximoff smiled as he and the legionary left the room, dragging 'Romulus' corpse behind them. He glanced down at the head he had grasped in his hand. "Karma is a ***** isn't it, Romulus?" OOC: Skipping some of the walking.IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Maximoff sighed as he set down the body, and walked to the his iPod dock, plugging in his favourite cleaning playlist. He had sent the legionary back to Romulus, before ensuring that the hallway was empty. Victor smiled and looked down at the corpse, before zipping up the body bag where he had deposited the former head of Weapon X. The young bespectacled man drummed his fingers on the silver table where the body bag was placed. The man pressed a few keys on his iPad.
  19. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Victor continued to swirl the glass of wine as he weighed Romulus' offer. After a long moment, he sighed."Your offer is reasonable, and your actions are evidence that you are an honourable man." The young man adjusted his glasses. "I respect that in an employer.""What does a man have but his honour." Maximoff looked down at the head of "Romulus." His former master's eyes were vacant, mouth half-open in death. He felt the scarred skin over his ribs ache, a reminder of how much he had lost in the heIIhole. "It was the only intact thing I managed to salvage when I escaped that pit seven years ago.""If possible, I would like to settle my debt with your mistake." Victor looked at the armoured Emperor. "He made life a living heII for us. For me. Weapon X kidnapped me when the Phoenix turned my childhood home, the Avengers Mansion, into so much dust. But they took away more than my life.""The organisation taught me a thing or two about cleaning up corpses thoroughly, and I would humbly request that I can give the same treatment to the tormentor who made me dissolve the broken bodies and bones of my siblings in suffering." Victor looked down at the body, mind troubled by the memories. "It would be cathartic."
  20. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: "Well, it is always nice to know you're sailing on a ship bigger than yourself." Victor let his lips crease slightly into a smile. "But really, there is no need for an apology. The fundamentals of Weapon X were sound. Seen with the eyes of Fate, that heIIhole proved to be a blessing in my life.""What better thing for an orphan than to be taught how to survive?" He swirled his glass of wine, before taking a sip. "Had it not been for Weapon X's teachings, I wouldn't be where I am today. Free." The young man tipped an invisible hat to Romulus. The decapitated doppelganger on the floor. "So, I thank you." The mutant smiled at the armoured form of Romulus. "And you, of course.""For the gracious offer of compensation." The mutant's brown eyes danced swiftly about the armoured legionaries that lined the room. "But I prefer to earn my salt."
  21. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion:Victor Maximoff rapped at the door to Romulus' office twice, before leaning in. He had been strolling down the hallway, intending to visit his former master, when the sound of gunfire, and a flurry of Legion clones had drawn his attention.The young man had been waiting outside the study, eavesdropping on the conversation, until he peeked in. "Care to spare a glass of wine for me?" He looked up at the towering armoured figure. "Victor Maximoff. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Romulus(?)."
  22. IC - Cambion - Hellfire Mansion: Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! "Good ******* morning to you too, alarm clock."Victor plunked the top of the alarm clock, turning off the bleeping voice. The young mutant rubbed his eyes and rose from the bed. The world was a blurry, a byproduct of his poor eyesight. His hands played across the mahogany night stand, until they touched upon his glasses. "There we go." Maximoff rose, the room clear once again, and surveyed the room. Rich carpet, ornate fixtures, two bookshelves lined with volumes and every bit of furniture looked like an antique. "Bit too Victorian for my tastes." Maximoff yawned and threw on a light black shirt from his suitcase.
  23. No timeskip that I can see. But an organized time system is an absolute godsend.
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